Chapter 6 (Revised)

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Chapter 6

   "You're going to be ok! Please, Julia, please just wake up! Wake up!" A voice boomed from the dark abyss that had swallowed me whole. Jumping awake I knocked heads with another skull.

   I winced and held my hand to my forehead. "Ah! God that hurt!"

   "Sorry, sorry. Gosh Julia is this really you? did you...your alive!" Two strong arms encircled there way around my abdomen, crushing me in its tight hold. 

   "C-can't b-breath." I wheezed out, prying him off of me.

  Cole looked away bashfully, blood coloring his cheeks. "I just can't seem to grasp that you're here. Actually here and healthy! You don't know how much I missed you!" Cole gushed, a small smile playing at his lips. What pissed me off severely is that it looked genuine. Cole wasn't a good person he was evil and this innocent act was getting on my last nerve. 

   I snapped, "Missed me? Oh this is rich even from you, Cole." I spat out venomously. 

   "Listen Julia--"

   "No, you listen, Cole. I have spent half my life yearning for you to say sorry for what you've done. But now is not the time nor the place. You wanna know why? Because I don't forgive you. You ruined my life! I hate you! I hate you Cole Nighthawk!"

   "Julia, please. I know what I've done in the past was bad--" Cole said from beside me, his hand curled up against mine rubbing small circles on my palm.

   "Bad?" I questioned and turned to look him in the eye. I sat up a little in the comfy bed I was put in and watched as several emotions flickered in Cole's eyes.

   "Bad doesn't even describe the pain you inflicted upon me." I sneered cooly.

   "Please understand, Julia. I was a fool I should have never treated you that way. I missed you so much." He pleaded.

   "But I didn't miss you." I spoke matter of fact.

   "You're lying! I am your mate!"

   "Was my mate. Was Cole, as in you aren't any longer."

   "How can you say that!" He cried. "You've changed." He accused and stepped away from me.

   "I can't say the same for you." I smirked.

   "What happened to you?" He wondered.

   "Life happened." I clenched my fists together tightly at my sides. "Tell me Cole did you cry yourself to sleep each night? Did you wish for death on a daily basis?" 

   "Of course I didn't!" He said surprised. "Why would I?"

   "Exactly, Cole! You never cried yourself to sleep or wished for death but guess what? I did. Every single day for the past ten years I wished that." I spat angrily.

   Cole looked astounded. "And the worst part was having my mate, the only person to ever love me for me, reject me. Then having to fight for my life against the rouges that took me." I said and threw the covers off and walked over to Cole. He stepped away from me and I pinned him up against the door, causing an angry thud to creek when I landed my palms onto the wood. "They took me the day of your ceremony. They heard the news that a girl who claimed to be wolfless but not fully human lived. So, they snuck into the house, through my attic window, and took Page and I." I smiled sickly, loving the fact that Cole was buying this bogus story. 

   "They kidnapped me and dragged me through the forest by the hair. Page was beside me screaming bloody murder but I could do nothing. We were blind folded and hand cuffed." I paused for a dramatic affect, " She--she screamed so much. They...they killed her Cole. Those monsters killed her and left her for dead. They used her and then left, making me watch the whole endeavor. I-I was so useless Cole and you know why? Because of you! Everything thats ever been wrong in my life was because of you." He cringed at my harsh words, shifting his eyes anywhere but my face. 

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