Chapter 16 (Revised)

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Chapter 16

Vocabulary word: Finagle: To get by Trickery, trick, treat, manipulate somebody

                                  'Elan: Vigor or enthusiasm, flamboyance, flair, style, confidence, elegance.


    "That looks absolutely breathtaking on you!" Tamara chirped and laughed enthusiastically like a giddy butterfly. 

   "You sure? I'm not to good a picking out clothes for myself. You're the fashion expert here." I chided.

   "Trust me all the men will be eye raping you tonight!" She squealed.

   "If you say this is the one then this is the one." I shrugged.

   "Yay now it's my turn!" Tamara clapped.

   We spent the rest of the day going from store to store trying to find the perfect dress suitable for Tamara. With her quirky personality, seeping with kindness, it only made sense that she would pick out a nice pink satin dress with a strait v-neck down to about an inch past her breasts. Her waist was outlined with delicate flower patterns and her long flowing skirt sculpted her body in all the right places. 

   By the time we made it back to the pack house the sun was setting and the banquet was about to begin in an hour. Both Tamara and I quickly scurried up to our rooms and dressed for the party. My eye make up consisted of light foundation and some blush applied to my cheeks. A thin line of eye liner lines my waterline and an endearing eye shadow complemented my soft features. Only a little mascara was applied to my eyes but it was enough to make my eyes pop, and I must say, that with the considerate amount I put on, all in all, I made it look pretty natural. My black skintight dress hugged my body at the waist and upper chest area. The black strapless slides securely around me and at the bottom of the material, like a mermaid, the silky cloth fans out around my legs. I gathered all my hair on one side of my shoulder and pinned it. My curls sculpted my face to perfection and my light pink lipstick added to the effect. 

   "Hey, you ready to get this show on the road?" Tamara stepped into my bathroom. "Julia, you look fantastic! Devin or any other male will certainly not be able to keep their eyes off of you." She giggled.

   "Who's Devin?" I asked. 

   "Oh he's the Alpha of my pack. " She waved me off, "You know the one that you bumped into earlier on."

   "Oh you mean the guy with his head stuck up his ass?" I scoffed.

   "Yup, that would be him." She awkwardly shifted her feet. "He's not all bad." She defended him but not in an angry tone, more as in a brotherly way which was weird considering he's her Alpha.

   I chocked on my own spit. "Please he acts as if I came into his dog house and took his doggy bone away from him! He just needs to calm his little puppy balls and-"

   "All right, all right I get the image. I'm not sure I want to stress my mind any further on the subject." She winced.

   I shrugged.

   "Whatever." She waved her hand as if dismissing it, again. "Hey, we should get to the party!" She exclaimed.

   "What time is it?"

   "8:00 it started already!" Tamara whined. "Come on! Come on!" She carraled me toward the door.

   "Im going! Im going! Yeesh!" I chuckled and then something clicked. "Hey, if your Alpha's name is Devin doesn't that mean his uncials are DJ?" I bit the inside of my cheek to contain my laughter.

Alpha, surprised to see me?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora