Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

   I awoke to anger.

   The sole emotion swirling inside me as my eyes adjusted to the bright light that had overtaken my drowsy lids. Blinking furiously to rid the sleep that had grouped together in my eyes, I felt wind brush through my hair causing shivers to run down my spine. I could feel soft soil and branches crush and mush under my hands as I clawed my way out of the forest.

   Wait, claws?

   Shifting my gaze down to where my hands were supposed to be, big vicious claws and fur was what came instead. Scary talons clawed at the earth in hard angry strides, deep labored breaths rang from my snout, and teeth as sharp as knives hung from my lips. Waiting and seeking to sink their bodies into cold flesh.

   When I tried to scamper to a stop I realized my limbs were not my own. I had no control over where    my body was dragging me too. It was as if my mind new my surroundings but my body did not. Trying again and failing to regain control I grew flustered. How could this be? My wolf hand never taken over like this before. She had also given me control when I wanted and or needed it.

   Suddenly, flashes of what transpired before I woke up replayed in instint rewind. The pain, the voice, the blood. It had all happened and I had no clue as to what it meant. I had shifted before, many times in fact, this was not a regular shift. If you could call it a shift at all. It was like my mind had forced my body into that of a wolf, my wolf, and now I could not escape it.

   Frustrated that I had no control over my own body I attempted contacting my wolf, Sarafine. Sarafine, what are you doing?

   There never came a response and my anger fueled. Give me back control. Now!

   Sighing with yet again no answer I racked my brain for any indication that she was there. I had no idea how this was even happening or if Sarafine was even the one in control at the moment. That made me quiver the most. The idea that this wasn't Sarafine at all. It didn't sound like her, that voice, it didn't feel like her. She was my other being, a part of my soul, she wouldn't have to force her way into my mind like that if she needed to shift. Most shifters could tell when their wolfs were getting antsy and I had felt nothing. No indication that she needed control. Nothing. Zilch.

   I tried again. What are you doing? This isn't the way to the pack house.

   And it wasn't. I realized that when I looked through my eyes, or my wolfs eyes, that she had taken us somewhere far away from the pack house. But that was absurd! I had been right by the pack house when I was attacked. If we were so far away how long had I been knocked out in the back of my wolfs mind. Obviously, long enough for her to still be moving at a rapid speed while I had been asleep.

   This only arose more questions in me. How is it that I was somehow locked away inside my wolfs mind right now? How is it that she gained control? Or for that matter what was controlling me at the moment. It certainly did not feel natural. Somehow it made me feel depressed, dead almost, as though it had drained me of energy.

   I did not like the feeling.

   A sudden rush of emotions swept over me. I soon realized that they weren't mine but the beast controlling me. He or she was livid. With hot hatred running through me I gasped at the power that the emotions made me feel. They were such primitive barbaric feelings that one did not get for no reason. No, whatever or whoever was taking hold of my body held power and strength and he or she was furious.

   Who are you?

   The better question is; Who are you?The voice responded. Definitely not Sarafine.

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