Chapter 27

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Chapter 27


   They say that time heals all. Well, I'm here to say that that's a lie. Time cannot always heal wounds that have been cut so deep. Time cannot always mend a broken heart. Often times it is Time itself that shatters everything. Sure, you can give Time, time to heal, but it's effects are not everlasting. People say that Time controls all things and they couldn't be more right. Time does not only swallow up everything in its path but it makes it so that, nothing you ever say or ever do, can bring something back to you. A broken heart can be mended but there is still an empty chamber waiting, seeking, for a chance to eat at you. And in that chamber we wait. Us, the people of the world, wait in that dark corner where chaos is born and bred. We love it and as much as Time proves to vanquish chaos and sorrow, all Time really does is prolong the process. For a scar can heal but the scratch is forever permanent. A heart can mend itself over time and then break all over again. So you see, it's a never ending cycle with Time. Time is not forgiving nor is it a friend of yours. Time is your enemy, the reaper of death. Time can take you young and it can take you old, so, who are you to tell Time when and where to take you? Time only listens to fate. We are not the masters of our fate as so many of us believe. Sure, fate can be changed by the fated but what happens when the fated choose wrongly.

   It is a game we play with each other. Like chess, I make a move, and they make a move. I guess I'll just have to wait and see who kills the others King first.

   "How long will she be like this?" My voice echoed inside the empty hospital room.

   "It's hard to say Ms. Williams. I can't be certain for sure. These things, these injuries, they take time to heal. I cannot say for sure when that time is. It could be weeks, months, even years. I just can't say." Dr. Lockwood sighed, resting his gaze upon the girl wrapped in her own death bed.

   "Doctor?" I whispered.


   "You once said to me that you had no records that she had ever lived. What did you mean by that because obviously she's here? She's alive or at least she used to be." Uncertainly I reached out to grasp her hand in mine. Cold. Like the brisk morning air in winter fanning your face.

   "We don't know her name, her family, or even her medical history so we can't tell who she's related too and if she even has anywhere to live. But even people in higher authority should be able to pull up a file and yet her she lays with nothing to say for herself." He muttered, fingers twitching at the side of his pant leg.

   Indignantly I spoke, "Their must be something, anything, you can do. She can't stay this way forever."

   "On the contrary, she can." He sighed, "Listen, Ms. Williams. I have spoken to you many times in these last couple days about what I can and cannot do. This is one of them. No matter how hard you wish and how hard you try it is not up to us when she wakes. Of course we can do everything in our power to stabilize her and hope for the best but what does that do?" He rested his hand on my slumped shoulder. "As an advisor Ms. Williams I say to you go get some rest. You've spent days here waiting and watching for anything to change and they haven't. I'm saying this too you as someone who's been in the field long enough to know the difference between hope and wishing. Wishing for something doesn't make it come true, no matter how hard you want it. Hope, on the other hand, can do wonders."

   "But how can I hope for things instead of wishing for them when all I've ever hoped for has been taken form me. What then? Where does my hope lie?"

   Smiling solemnly, he walked to the door and said, "I can't be the one to tell you that."

   "Then who?" I whispered, "Who!" I cried.

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