Chapter 15 (Revised)

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Chapter 15

   There I stood in the middle of the dreadful forest, heart pounding, blood rushing, and hands tingling. It was the adrenalin coursing threw my powerless veins.

   It was exhilarating.

   I was in position, my feet grounded firmly in the ground, hands balled into tight unmoving fists. The hunter who stood in front of me started off the battle with finesse and certainty, for who wouldn't think that they could win against me. I was only a pawn in this little game of theirs, someone they could demolish when the time was right but that time was far out.

   I swiveled in a circle as four big men cornered me. The one to my left strikes first. He was quick and sneaky like a cobra heading in for its kill. He swung his leg from under me, sweeping me off my feet, so I landed with a loud thump as my head rebounded of the ground. I rolled over on the dirt and groaned in agony.

   With my bearings still fuzzy and my head pounding, I tried to stand. Only resorting to slumping against a tree for support  I pulled out my knife and swung aimlessly around myself hoping to catch a bit of flesh. A man lunged at me, from the fogginess that was my mind, I could no tell how close he was. With a little luck I was able to dodge his attack and gain back my sight. Filled with so much pent up anger I ran, full charge, at him and with all my strength smashed his head into a tree, knocking him out cold. 

   "You will never win this, Julia. Try all you might I will never allow that to happen!" Their leader ragged, his wide grin cracking his skin. "There's no reason for you to fight us, though. You can join us. Together we can bring them too their knees. Don't you want that, don't you want to be in control?"

   "Never, I will never stoop to your level. Your vile and cruel and I am nothing like you!" I screeched.

   "You are everything like me!" He grinned angrily.

   "That's not true!" I fired back, the anger bubbling up inside me.

   "It is true! You are just like me, stop resisting!" He seethed back, his foul stench filling my nostrils.

   "No. I'm. Not!" The ground below me crackled apart and fire came spewing out. The flames engulfed my entire body and sucked me down into the ground. An ear piercing scream escaped my lips, causing even me to cover my ears in distress. It was the kind of scream that had your vocal cords raw and burning and your throat dry and scratchy from lack of care. It was the kind of scream that scared even the toughest of men. 

   "Julia!" A malicious voice hissed. 

   "Who are you, what do you want!" I yelled back panicked. My hands clawed at anything that would help set me free. I felt nothing, nothing except the chill that ran up my spine as the voice spoke once more. 

   "In time we will meet and I have a favor to ask of you but for now you must be patient. You are to valuable to lose." 

   "Let me out of here!" I cried again, the very act causing the creature to laugh. His cold demeanor shaking me to the core. 

   "I'm afraid that's just not possible, my dear. You belong to me and me alone. Your soul has been made for me and I will claim it." The air shifted around me and then I felt the cold touch of a dead man. The way his fingers wrapped around my hand, his ice hand making my blood run cold from fear. "I want you to listen good and listen closely all right?"

   I nodded, bitting my tongue to hold back a remark.

   "You must follow my instructions, Julia." The voice snickered like it found this whole ordeal funny. "Never and I mean never stray from the fate that has been set up for you from the beginning. Do you understand me?" It growled, I shook my head eagerly. "There are things in this world that you do not know about, things you can't possibly imagine!" A choir of voices hissed in my ear, making me shiver.

Alpha, surprised to see me?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora