Chapter 8 (Revised)

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Chapter 8

   "Get it together, Julia! Control your emotions!" I snapped to myself. I was frightened by the sudden burst of feelings that had been coursing through my bones for the last three weeks. At the least they were only growing stronger and I couldn't allow that to happen. 

   'You've got to control yourself!' Saraphine reprimanded me.

   I know but I can't help it.

   'Well, try and help it! We are strong, Julia! We are not weak! You should be able to control what you're feeling and not get side tracked. You are a killer, a heartless killer who feels no love and is shown no love. These people do not love you Julia so stop trying to convince yourself that they do!' Saraphine yelled. She had been getting moodier lately. 'Do not ruin this for us! Get your priorities strait or so help me I will take over.'

   I understand that they don't love me! I yelled back.

   'If you understand that stop being a fool! Of course we need to act nice but are taking it to a whole new level!'

   I get it all right! But I will not waist my breath on saying I'm sorry to you! You want an apology go find someone else because I will never apologize for the things I've done.

   Saraphine growled at me through the link. 'Do not think I will give this argument a rest.'

   Wouldn't dream of it. I growled back.


   Goodnight, Saraphine.

   'Goodnight, Julia.' She whispered as I crawled into bed. And as I drifted off to sleep and let the darkness take me I heard one final sentence. 'Goodnight Julia, my little puppet.'


   "Hello Tom." I greeted.

   "Julia. Beautiful day is it not?" Tom responded.

   "Quite." I nodded, walking beside him. We were both currently on our way to the pack's training ground where Cole would be with the rest of the pack. Today, I wore a faded pair of skinny jeans and a black undershirt which reflected the paleness of my skin all too well.

   Suddenly sensing something was wrong with the way the atmosphere shifted around us, I turned and faced Tom. Nothing was evidently clear in his expression but his eyes show it all. Tom's eyes looked strained for whatever reason, flickering back and forth between the path in front of us and then something else beside him. Unexpectedly his face went dead pan and he spoke, "Julia, do you have any idea what your name means?"

   Furrowing my eyebrows I gave him a sideways glance. "No, why?" 

   He gave me an odd look. "It's a peculiar name, don't you think. Julia sounds like it could be a jewel...a diamond so too speak. Rare and beautiful but diamonds are also the hardest jewel found. Takes a lot of machinery and tools for men to cut and shape a Diamond. A real beauty, they are strong yet delicate, however, if treated without care they can become dirty and unattractive. They loose their luster and beauty all because that diamond fell into the wrong hands." Tom smirked. 

   "What are you trying to say?" I growled, cold fury attacking my veins.

   "Me?" Tom laughed, "I'm not trying to imply anything. Just having a friendly conversation that's all."

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