Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Breath, Julia.

Slowly turnning the door knob, I expected to see two very unwelcome people standing in front of me, but instead I ran strait into something very hard. My eyes drifted up from his chest and up into his accusing eyes.

"Why hello there, little kitten." He chuckled.

"Excuse me?" My face hardened, my tone low and threatening. "What did you just call me?"

"Oh I'm sorry did that bother you?" He teased, then thought for a second "Well than why don't I just call you Sweetheart? Oh wait, that wouldn't be fair because you have no heart." He laughed humorously when he saw he struck a nerve.

"Who the hell are you to say that to me! Your just as bad as I am! Your rude, concided, and a total jackass! Face the facts, Devin, your heart is as black as mine. Maybe if you looked in the mirror you'd see that were not so different after all." I pushed past him and sauntered up the stairs into my room. I heard his quick foot steps behind me and knew he had followed. He took hold of my arm and spun me around. My back pressed into the door behind me, his face mere inches away from mine.

He looked severely pissed off. "You listen here and you listen closely, sweetheart." He sneered. "You're becoming carless. You don't think anyone saw what you did tonight? Well, newsflash, I did. And I don't particularly like what I saw. What would the others think if they heard about what you do on your free time? They wouldn't be so forgiving would they?" He twisted my arm behind my back, I let out a cry of pain.

"Shut the hell up, Devin! You know nothing of what I was doing tonight. You saw what happened, you don't know why I did it." At this point his nose was touching mine and I gathered as much spit as I possibly could, in my mouth, and spit right into his face. He jerked away taking a yank at my hair in the process. He wiped his eye and let out a very ferocious growl that should have made my skin crawl but only made me cough out a sharp chuckle.

"Oh I know everything, sweetheart. I know your whole plan for this pack!" My face paled and my bottom lip trembled, he snickered evilly once he saw my expression.

"H-how?" I asked in a shaky breath. "How could you possible figure it out?"

"It was quite easy really. Your very predictable, Julia." He gave me a funny look and his grip loosed just enough for me to wiggle free. I head-butted his forehead and opened my bedroom door just as he charged for me. I side stepped his movements and he went flying through my room. I scurried inside and slammed the door behind myself, trapping the both of us.

I took a very slow step toward him, pointing a shaking finger. "You tell me right now how you found out. Or I swear to God you will not make it out of this alive." I hissed.

He let out a throaty laugh that had my stomach flip with something unknown to me. We stood there facing each other for what seemed like hours but in reality only minutes. "Well, come on then. We don't have all night."

Devin gave me a slanted smirk and made his way over to my bed. "Come sit, sweetheart. We have much to discuss and so little time."

"Just cut the crap, Devin, and tell me how you know." His finger flicked up against his belt buckle at my tone and I gave him a murderous glare until a smile crept up onto my face. "Let me just get one thing strait, Devin. If you think that one gun and one silver bullet is enough to stop me...then think again." I snapped my voice filled with malice.

"Fine, you caught me." He held up the gun.

What the heck kind of a wolf has a silver bullet gun!

Alpha, surprised to see me?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon