Stolen Roses {Chapter 15}

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2 days later....

You hadn't seen Sesshomaru around which made Jaken follow you around like a lost puppy but you knew he would have to turn up soon since the trip was scheduled for tomorrow. 'The nerve of that mutt, he can do as he pleases but I can't?' You couldn't help but still be mad at him, but it didn't mean you weren't worried. Continuing to dust the shelves you wondered where exactly he was hiding. 'I mean the manor is big but not that big unless he hid in a spare room. But thats if he is still even on the grounds.' Suddenly you burst out laughing as you pictured Sesshomaru hiding behind a tree with his arms crossed looking like an angry old man.


You jumped spinning around to see the young master. 'shit,  like they didn't already think im insane.'

"Oh hello sir. Sorry I didn't realize anyone was around." you said meekly with your head down.

"What were you laughing at?" Ciel said with a half smile.

"I just thought of something funny. It's embrassing to say."

He just stared back at you going over your reply in his head. "Alright well we are heading into town in an hour to buy some supplies for the journey I also have a meeting with my fiance. I expect you to come seeing as you know what all we will need once we reach Japan, while I am at my meeting you will fetch what is needed."

"Honestly sir, i'm not too sure what all we will need. 200 years have passed, Japan is probably completely different. But I'd say we would still need food, sleeping gear, and first aid. Maybe some laterns if we choose to travel at night, don't want to be tripping over stuff.

"You expect me to walk? And why would we need stuff for sleeping, it's not like we will be camping" Ciel looked at you like you as if you were talking out of your mind. 'What is he going to do when he realizes we will have to use the bathroom outside?'

"Sir, i'm not too sure about now but back then inn's were far and few between and even then they wouldn't accept demons or those that are different. The places we will be going will be in very rural areas, we could go days if not weeks without seeing someone."

'some of the places I know of weren't discovered yet in my time so they shouldn't be now.'

"Well we will see once we're there. We'll hold off on purchasing anything for 'camping' until once we get there and see a map."

"Yes sir. Thank you again."

"Be ready in an hour." And with that he left.

"Alrighty then."


You finished up dusting and had just enough time to sweep the study before heading out to meet with Ciel and Sebastian. The ride to London though only 30 minutes felt like it was 2 or 3 hours long. You were glad that Sebastian had sat upfront, you werent sure if you could physically take being in an enclosed space with him for that long.

Once the three of you reached the city Ciel had handed you a bag of coins and told you a list of what he needed and from where. Shortly after Lady Elizabeth and her maid Paula joined them.

"Sebastian go with her and help carry the things." Ciel had said before heading in to the small cafe with the two girls.

You had spared Sebastian a look then but regreted it when you both locked eyes you could see he was still pissed at what he had eavesdropped.

That was all 30 minutes ago and the tension was still thick enough to cut with a knife. You could feel his eyes burning deeper in to you with each passing minute. It was like he was waiting for something.

"I see the mutt has been missing." Sebastian had said with discontent. "We got in a fight as you're already aware." you could feel the look he gave you as he shuffled the bags around.

"I was simply coming to wake you, if you two had not have been so loud not even I would have heard you." He said with little venom in his voice. You turned to face him. Hearing this did kind of make you feel bad for the hostility on your end, it's hard to hear conversations through the walls and doors because of how thick they are, and you didn't realize just how loud you were at the time.

You were about to reply when a laugh interrupted the two of you.
"Well well if it isn't the queens guard dog...wait one moment have you gotten taller?" "Why you're not the young Phantomhive at a...." a man in a long black cloak and hat said before cutting himself off.

The way he was looking at you made shiver, something just felt off. You had taken the time to give him a thorough look over as well noticing the faint scars that adorn his face and from the looks of it body, you can also see slight green glimpses peeking though his hair so you guessed his eyes were that color

"No I'm afraid, this is __F/N__ __L/N__ she has been under our employ as a maid for some time now. __F/N__ this is Undertaker. Our young master works with him from time to time." Sebastian said, you could sense his annoyance towards the man.

"Hello." You said with a slight curtsy in the mans direction.

But the man you now knew as undertaker said nothing. He never even took his eyes off of you as Sebastian had introduced you. You felt like he was trying to burn you into his memory. But something about him seemed familiar.

'He could damn near be Sesshomaru's stunt double I mean aside from the almost cartoonish frown on his face. Is he ever going to look away? What is wrong with him?!'

You got more and more anxious as the seconds turned to actual minutes of his one sided staring contest. You noticed a single tear slide down his face.

'Why is he crying?'

"Well we best be off if I am to have dinner ready on time. Goodbye Undertaker." Sebastian had said, ready to be away from the odd man who was acting stranger than normal.
Sebastian wasn't too keen on the way he was looking at you.

"It was nice m..meeting you Undertaker." You say nervously and start waving as you back away to catch up with Sebastian.

'Damnit Sebastian I can't keep up he has too long of legs!' You thought.

You didn't notice the man never moved his eyes followed you and then remained glued to the last spot he saw you.

"Goodbye mother."

A/N: So I have been sitting on this for AWHILE. I'm glad to finally be in a spot where I could add this in.

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