Sam calls after me, "I'll make sure Scott gets her registered. That should not take long because Kendall already preregistered."

I nod and give Scott a reassuring smile. "You got this, Scott. I'll be right back."

Rushing out to Scott's car, I hear Kendall screaming the second I exit the hospital and pick up my pace.

"Hey, Ken." I try my best to remain calm for her.

"Mal! Please help me! I need help. The pain is unbearable," Kendall screams.

"Come on, Babe. Breathe with me," I say calmly.

"Breathe! Are you fucking kidding me right now!" she hisses at me.

Staying calm, "Ken, look at me. Look into my eyes."

She finally looks into my eyes. "The point of breathing through contractions is to try to get your mind off the pain, Sweetheart."

"Okay. Okay. It's starting to subside." She's breathing heavily, and I can see that her hair is sweaty.

"Okay, Ken. Let's get you inside." I help her into the wheelchair.

"How long till we can expect the next contraction?" I ask.

"Ten minutes down to the second," she breathes her response.

"Great. Let's get going before the next one hits." I wheel her in and see Sam walking back from registration with Scott. They hurry over when they see her.

"You're in good hands, Kendall." I look at Scott while still talking to Kendall.

"I'll move the car to a parking spot," I tell him.

He nods. "Okay. The keys are in it."

Sam looks at me. "I'm taking her straight up to labor and delivery."

"Okay. I'll meet you up there." I squeeze Kendall on her shoulder before I leave to move the car.

She looks up at me with pleading eyes. "Please hurry."

"I will. Go get your epidural, Ken." I smile.

After I park the car, I make my way up to the maternity floor. Sam had texted me Kendall's room number.

I saw him walking out as I approached the room. "Hey, how's Kendall doing."

"She's progressing well. The anesthesiologist is in there now to give her the epidural. So, she should be much more relaxed."

Without even thinking, I take hold of Sam's hand. "Thank you."

He looks down at his hand and smiles at me.

I quickly drop it. "Sorry."

"What could you possibly be sorry for?" He questions me with his brows furled.

"Um... you're working, Sam. I shouldn't be getting so personal with you here. We're professional colleagues," I explain.

"I'm not worried about it." Again, with the sexy smirk.

Wait! Sexy? No, nope, cute smirk. His smirk is cute. Why the hell is my face warming up?

"Are you okay? You look flushed." Sam looks concerned.

"I'm fine. Just nervous for Kendall," I lie.

"Don't be nervous. I hear that Kendall's doctor is pretty amazing." Damn, that smirk again!

I smile. "Is that so? Any way that you could introduce us?"

Our friendly banter is interrupted when the anesthesiologist exits Kendall's room. We say a warm hello.

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