Chapter 16: Homosexual Poultry

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(Revised 17/10/21)

I know I'm late, sorry! Last Sunday was the Indonesian independence day so I had too many things to do!



Max glanced at his phone on the desk. There was a notification for new messages. Did he take that long to dress up? Taking his sandals out from the rack, he put them on. "I'll be back later tonight, or maybe I'll stay over."

"Gotcha. Don't forget your keys." His roommate replied, not moving from his spot on his bed.

"Sure." The dog put his cap on, took the keys and beer bottles on his desk, and walked out of the room.

Tonight was Friday night. He still had several assignments but he had tomorrow to do it. Besides, he'd already contacted some of the vendors for next month's intercultural festival, in which he was the one in charge of the sponsorship division. The football guys had had some plans to go to Harry's or The Pinthole, however they ditched it because few were going to show up. So, Nathan suggested that they just spend Friday night somewhere else, maybe in one of their dorm rooms. Andy's house was their top spot, but his family was having some guests tonight.

After some talking, they were going to spend the night at Octo's student housing. The panther's housemates were out of the city for the weekend, and it was quite large for them. Although it wasn't as large as Andy's house, at least it wasn't as cramped as their dorms.

The dog made a gesture to the dorm manager as he walked by her in the hall of his dorm building. He pulled his phone out to read the messages as he walked outside. There must be some weird shenanigans, he was sure.

Andy Horny Kitty: "Hey where r ye guys? Me n Octo r rusting here 😩"

Octo Bad Kitty: "Ignore Andy, he's not even here yet."

Tom Bad Wolf: "M8s looks like I and Martin shall be late, Ellie has some problems with her laptop,"

Nate Oversized Lizard: "Oh come on tom! Just bring her here🎉"

Martin Naughty Foxy: "Honhonhon."

Tom Bad Wolf: "It's a boy's night, Nate. And shut up Mart XD wkwkwk"

Nate Oversized Lizard: "Oct im at the front door w Kevin"

Yohan Santa's Deer: "Smn really gotta change this group's name from football disgrace '15 to campus' hottest bangers"

Kevin Horny Wolf: "I agree 😂"

Tom Bad Wolf: "I feel somewhat left out by that."

Yohan Santa's Deer: "We're celebrating u tom!"

Kevin Horny Wolf: "yup we're celebrating u Tom!😏💦 go wag that tail woof!"

Tom Bad Wolf: "Piss the heck out of here, Kev😂 and how much have you drunk njir smh it's still half to 20"

Max chuckled a little at the messages. He then typed his reply, "I'm omw. Anyone want me to bring something?"

John Daddy Doggo has changed the group's name from "Football Disgrace '15" to "Campus' Hottest Bangers".

John Daddy Doggo: "Ur welcome"

Octo Bad Kitty: "Your stupidity amazes me."

Nate Oversized Lizard: "John what the fuck! Thourt meant to fight them not join them!"

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