Chapter 37: The Door You Opened

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Fun fact: as of the upload of this chapter, I'm doing my own thesis.


"Where were you the day before yesterday?"

Kevin looked up from his—well, Vilkas'—laptop. "Got stuff to do." The wolf replied simply before focusing his attention back on the laptop.



Vilkas closed the book in front of him and let out a sigh. He was done with the outline for chapter 2 of his thesis and was here to help the wolf with his. However, looking at the wolf, it looked like Kevin wasn't doing it.

The blue husky reached out and pulled the laptop screen down, earning a curious glance from the wolf. "You're not even doing your thesis." He said when he saw a video playing on the screen.

Kevin took the laptop back and flipped it. "Fuck off, dog," he said and continued watching.

The husky just leant back on the chair and looked at the ceiling. "What date is it today? Hmm, 17 February?"

Kevin groaned. "Ugh, don't fucking remind me, Vil!"

Vilkas chuckled. "I wonder how your roommate handles you." He stood up and put the books on the desk, then sat next to the wolf on the bed. "What are you watching anyway?"

The moment he saw what he was watching, Vilkas stood back up and returned to the chair, letting out an exasperated sigh.

Kevin just grinned at him.

"The fuck are you watching porn right now?"

"It's not porn! You're just seeing the porny part."

"Yeah, sure."

Suddenly, Kevin gave the laptop to the husky. "Ugh, it turns into straight porn."

The husky just took it and saved the address. "Nice."

The wolf then lay on the bed and closed his eyes. Vilkas just looked at him; Kevin was really hot, and he was a big tease, especially his clothes, or maybe lack thereof since he tended to wear one that was either too tight or too loose. The way his tail lazily waved beside him was also tempting; they had pulled each other's tail for more times than he could count, both literally and figuratively. He also liked to make sure that Vilkas knew that he was hot, as demonstrated by his teasing.

And he was so handsome, but Vilkas would never say it to the wolf because it would get his ego through the roof.

Pushing the thoughts aside, the husky leant back on the chair and enjoyed the view of the hunk in a tank top sprawled on the bed instead.

"You know, Octo is moving here."

The husky's expression fell at that. Why did Kevin have to talk about that? He just turned his gaze to the window, unenthusiastic. "Mhm."

"I was helping him settle in the day before yesterday." continued the wolf.

"Oh." He said simply. So that time the panther asked him about available flats, he was really serious about moving here. It seemed like it would be harder for him to spend time with the red wolf from now on with the panther living here.

Vilkas sighed, ignoring his jealousy. Sometimes, he dreamt if Kevin was really his 'true love' or something, but then reality came in and brought Kevin's arseholery with it. So... most likely no. Yet he still found himself falling for the red wolf. Kevin was the one who showed him another side of life. Maybe this was just a dumb crush, maybe this was just him falling for the wolf because they had sex in that bedroom almost 4 years ago...

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