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Listen to Kiss me by Ed Sheeran

Veronica's POV

Love. It is the most intricate yet common feeling on all of the earth. I remember reading about the eight different types of love according to Greek philosophy. There's Philia  love and that is the most common in my perspective. It is affectionate love without romantic attraction. It is the love I have for Liam and unfortunately the love that was lost between Jen and I. I had decided to wear a wig because I did not want cut bangs on my hair . I smiled at myself before picking up some pieces of hair ornaments to decorate the black braids on the wig . I knew I would miss Jen but at this point I had more bad memories than good so it was better to let go than to hold on.

They say the second type is Pragma. This is the love that people in long term relationships share. Commitment, to say the least . Then there is Storge which is familiar love. It is the love that my father and I share, built over time catalyzed by shared memories. Mother and I are working on it and maybe in time I will share that love with the brother and step father I have not met yet . I hold up my purely white dress and gold and I swerve from side to side in the mirror happily. I pat it down before spinning in circles across the room and I before fall onto my bed smiling broadly. Eros, romantic or passionate love. It is characterized by physical touching and it is the type that ignites a fire within your body. I reminisce about the multiple times Kyle and I had excuses not to fully commit to this. Part of me is grateful that he respected me despite it felt like I was being rejected at first . I guess that's the reason the next type of love was ignited with someone else because him and I skipped a stage. Ludus, playful or flirtatious love. I remember getting butterflies around Malachi. When it was just us, glowing in the dark and the sunny days at the lake. It was beautiful when it was but it was momentous. I knew when the butterflies stopped swarming in my belly we would have nothing left to give or take. Which leads me to the next kind of love. Mania which is obsessiveness and usually comes about as a result of one person loving the other a little too much. There was a time when I was like that but with a friend. It was the reason I stayed with Jen and also why letting her go caused all the drama that it did. When the affection got lost somewhere along the line, I was left alone in love with someone who only saw me as a liability and it drove me crazy. It took me long to realize that subconsciously fighting to stay around her was turning me into an obsessive prick.

I got up and fluffed my dress once more before gently placing it on my bed. I looked at myself in the mirror as I touched my ornamented hair. For the first time I had gotten my makeup right. It was not as intense as I knew would be the case for most of the girls but the simplicity made me appreciate my features. I took off my night gown and looked at my body in the mirror. I did not have killer legs or profound beauty like most girls in the cheerleading team but I felt pretty, beautiful even. I smiled at my reflection before going to pick up my dress. Philautia is what the Greek call self love. Some days I woke up feeling like a mess, I would hide from the in my hoodie and avoid mirrors all day. I would question myself for everything other girls are and I am not but on some days like these I felt pretty. I would waltz throughout my room feeling like I am on cloud nine. It was the best feeling ever and I knew I would never feel like a queen everyday but when I did I would make the most of it. I heard a knock on my door and I rushed to open it.

" Oh Liam good thing you are here, you have to help me with my zipper. "

" You do know Cleopatra is not Greek right. "

" She dated a Greek man, plus she had great sense of style "

" I love the braids though, nice touch."

" Thanks, for helping me with my dress. It's awkward for you to be here now that I know you're not.... You know. "

" Oh, fuck off Ron. I was going to go pick up my girlfriend anyway ", he laughed and left before I had the chance to finish saying goodbye.

Agape, the last kind of love on my list. It's the love that gives you a sense of purpose being selfless and the ability to empathize with everyone. I put on the last piece of jewelry. It was my first time attending one of the themed dances. I always made up excuses not to attend but this time around Kyle would not have it. I laughed at myself for picking the Cleopatra outfit for an Ancient Greek themed party. I loved how it looked and I just bought it. I as I am putting on my crown I hear my father shout downstairs.

" Ron your date is here!"

" Coming. "

I rush to check my image one last time before I walk downstairs. I take my time and keep my eyes on Kyle as I descend and his eyes beam at me like two bright stars on the night sky. I smile at him and I look at my father who is wiping away tears.

" It feels like prom already, pretty soon you'll be leaving for college. "

" Dad! " I laugh out loud and Kyle looks at my dad before saying
" She looks lovely."

" I know, I made that ", he points at me and I squint my eyes a little embarrassed. They both laugh as I hug my father goodbye.

" Don't forget to have dinner ", I pull kyle right after and start walking before the lectures start.

" Kyle I want my daughter home by midnight. Don't have too much fun. "

" Dad! "

" What? " he throws his hands in the air before reaching into his pocket
"Oh, let me take a picture of my beloved Cleopatra and her Antony before you go . " We both laugh defeated before posing for a picture. He walks us out and stands by the porch waving as we drive away.

The party decoration were splendid. I realized how much I had been missing out and after greeting Kyle's friends he offered to get me a drink. I see Harry walking by me and we simply smile at each other before I hear Jen clearing her throat behind me.

" Why are you dressed like that? " she asks crossing her hands.

" Why do you care? " I was not in the mood for her tonight I wanted it to be perfect.

" Cleopatra is Egyptian not Greek. "

" Well I had to match your look , Octavia the Younger. Oh and there comes Marc Antony. "

I hear some people laugh at the back but clearly Jen did not understand so she just turns and walks away. Kyle comes and hands me a drink before asking what Jen wanted.

" It's just Jen being Jen. "

"Okay then, do you really want your drink? "

" Why? "

" Because I want to ask you to dance. "

I smile and take his hand as Ed Sheeran's voice fills the room. Kyle smiles at me as we slow dance and I feel my heart melt. In that moment it was as if every event that contributed to where we were did not matter. Every mishap along the way and all the bitterness and hurt were replaced with love. I leaned my head on his chest and I smiled at the thought of finally having what I spent my life longing for. I was broken but someone was there to hold my pieces together. I felt like I belonged right there in his arms.

The End

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