Play Victim

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Listen to :Blank space by Taylor Swift

You know those moments when no one praises you for a job well done but you know deep inside that you killed it or when you know that everyone else is oblivious to the fact that you are in control of a particular scenario but you can not help feeling proud of yourself. That is exactly how I felt as I immediately jumped away from Harry when Kyle jumped at him. As much as I threw a partly mature tantrum about the outfit that my father got me this morning I was starting to feel like a boss in it so I pulled up my coat and I pat the collar and brushed off some fake dust from my coat's left shoulder and smiled innocently before I put on the act of a life time.

So a little rewind there, Kyle jumped at Harry and he did throw a good punch but Harry wanting to protect his reputation pushed me away from them and pulled Kyle's shirt collar before he threw a punch that made everyone quiet before shouting/asking at this point I really can't differentiate the two

" What the hell is wrong with you Adams? "
But our yours truly Adams was not in the mood to talk and he held Harry by the collar and pushed him to the walls before punching him over and over again. Okay that's enough.

I went and tried to pull Kyle away but he seemed so angry he couldn't let go so I did the only reasonable thing a girl could do, Crocodile tears. I went and hugged Kyle from the back and held on so tight so that he could feel me hugging him and he would not knock me off his back at the same time. I started screaming and crying at the same time begging him to stop and I guess the magic worked just like that he stopped hitting him and left him to fall to the ground. Everyone was still trying to make sense of the situation when Kyle turned around to look at me, held me by the shoulders and asked me

" are you okay Ronnie? "

I just nodded and I felt a bit guilty because I could see all the anger reflected in his eyes and for getting someone beat up. He was overwhelmed by emotions and he hugged me as if I was the one who needed to be comforted. Despite my messed up mascara and Gwen's efforts to put natural looking makeup were wasted I smiled onto his chest, smelling the scent I had longed to smell all my life for all the wrong reasons.

It's like suddenly it snapped into people's minds that they were late for their lessons when the principal who had heard what was going on came to take the two boys and me to her office. Ms Richards was one of the meanest principals at a school but when you looked at her face you'd think she was a very nice lady. She was definitely in her early fifties but she could pass as someone in her mid forties or early forties to a bad eye. Rumour had it that all the fundraising events that we did at the school were to sponsor some plastic surgery but you wouldn't really doubt it if you saw how perfect her nose was. I am certain that she did a rhinoplasty because all the money that was raised from the fare we had last summer wasn't put to any use. We never even saw a single brick of the new pavilion that the footballers had worked so hard to earn money for.

Enough about my principal's surgery, we were in trouble. I'm talking about manual work kind of punishments trouble. If you landed detention after a meeting with Ms Richards you were lucky kind of trouble but as for me I'm the victim here, am I not? The question of the day was what did the person who reported tell Ms Richards.

I felt like we I was about to be intimidated into admitting a crime I didn't do because we were told that the office secretary would call us in one by one starting with the person who started the fight. We waited for almost half an hour for Kyle but when he got out he looked frustrated . He waved two sheets of punishment a red one for manual punishment and a Yellow one for detention and he left. When Harry was called into the office I was left stressing about what could possibly happen to me for the whole half an hour but when he got out he only had a manual punishment. He whispered, " I got two manuals, is this even legal?" I just chuckled nervously and he left just like that.

I just gulped down the bolus of saliva that was forming on my throat trying to do the math. Was I going to get two detentions or would it be more than both of them. I didn't want to spend two Saturdays in a classroom with the bad guys in the school. Ms Richards opened the office door interfering with my thoughts to call me in herself. That added one more worry to the million I already had. I started playing out scenarios in my head before she motioned me to take a seat on the three wheeled chair. She sat on her window seal in front of me and looked at me for a while before saying

"you know Miss Johnson growing up I used to be like you. "

I was definitely not expecting that as a introduction and I didn't think twice before raising one eyebrow and looking at her before blurting out loud

" You did? "

" Yes I did, I don't know about the other parts of your life but as for your life here at school, you remind me so much of myself. You see my best friend at that time was a Queen Bee at the school and I was always in her shadow. It's like I was one of the suckered when I was beside her because I was single and she dated the hottest guy at school and she had the nicest clothes and accessories but I was just a nobody....... "

Did she just offend me throughout that whole statement? Another thing where exactly is she taking this conversation, I thought she was supposed to be all angry and stuff and so uncool but I guess I'm in for a surprise.

"............ So I made it a point to get to the top instead of her. Let me tell you this, I did get the guy, the clothes and the popularity but I lost something important, a friend who loved me. I was so delusional that I believed that with everything she had I could be satisfied if I had that but I was happier when it was just us as friends. So I need you to make the right choice about what you want to do "

I could feel the guilt weighing me down but our situations were different. Her friend loved her and mine victimized me. Despite that, I was already in too deep with the plan that I couldn't get out. I looked at the principal waiting for her to give me my punishment but she just looked at me and motioned me to go out

" you really didn't fight anyone, at least not yet so you can go now. "

I looked at her as I grabbed my coat that I had hung on the coat hanger and left. I was left wondering as I walked to the bathroom to remove my ruined makeup. My thoughts were shut down the moment I stepped into the hub of all rumors, the girls bathroom. The moment I got in some girls basically shrieked. They started asking me so many questions all at once. It finally hit me then that it was almost lunch time and I had to face Jen after what I did. I was not afraid of her but I was afraid of what her minions could do to my reputation. So I had to fix it once and for all in this bathroom

" hey Ronnie, are you having an affair with Kyle? "

" No he's my best friend's boyfriend so he was just helping a friend "

" so do you like Harry? "

" nope"

"I heard you and Kyle skipped school together and someone saw you kissing in the rain at the football field before that. "

" is that so? "

" so it did happen? "

" I didn't say that "

" it didn't happen? "

" I didn't say that either. "

They all smiled like they had finally figured everything out and clapped their hands sheepishly.

" you know Jen will kill you right " one of the cheerleaders, May who is closest to Jen said in a matter of fact way.

" kill me for what? " I said taking steps closer to her she started stepping back when I got too close and I kept stepping forward

" her boyfriend fighting to protect me from the school pervert? Me skipping school when I didn't feel too well and getting a ride home from the only person who seemed to care? Me getting in trouble with the principal because of someone who couldn't keep their mouth shut? "

I was raising my tone with each statement, despite the fact that I was lying I had figured out that it was May who had reported the fight and she was the first person I had to Intimidate. I then said in a very low and innocent tone

" I'm clearly the victim here May, don't you see that?"

Just the I turned and started walking out stomping the ground with each powerful step as I was walking the halls I felt someone shut my mouth with their hands and pull me into the music room.

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