Part 48 - Normal ?

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Appalled by all what I just said, Baba takes a good look at me. Now he understands why I'm still in the previous day's clothes which is still a little drenched and why my entire makeup and hairdo is in a complete mess. And he manages to talk after a long time to process the information he's just been made aware of ;
" Lemme get this straight...
You mean to say that last night along with Ayesha, even you got married... That too to Arjun..!!!! And that son of gun Abhay abducted you and tried to force you in marrying and sleeping with him..!!! "

Nodding in a yes is the only way I'm able to answer him right now. I see Baba's face turn even more red as anger overtakes him. Knowing that he's very protective and cares about me and also knowing that to avoid any kind of blunder to happen, I quickly add ;
" Baba... Baba.... Please try to cool it down... I know you're very angry about what Abhay did but... Don't worry... Dad and Baba Sa took care of him, you know how they are, just like you, even they'll make sure that Abhay is severely punished for his doings. "

" But Beta....!!!  "
He tries to convince me otherwise but I stop him.

" Please Baba... Please don't make it harder for me... I'm already very tensed and tired about all what happened... I really don't think I'll be able to handle anymore now... "
I literally plead knowing that I'm mentally and physically worn out at this point.

Just then my phone rings and I see Shree's name flashing as the caller's ID. Taking a deep breath, I finally answer the call knowing that I cannot ignore them forever and I speak as soon as I pick up the phone ;
" Shree.. Don't worry about me.. I'm fine... Tell mom - dad as well that I.....  "

" I know you're not fine Riiii... And I'm not in Rajasthan Riiiii.... But the rest are still in Rajasthan... Chotu and me are both in Mumbai right now... More precisely in front of your house... Waiting for you...  "
Shree says in a calm caring voice.

I reply knowing exactly why he and Chotu came after me ;
" I'll be there in some time...  "

" 30 minutes Rii... If you are not here in 30 minutes, I'm coming to get you no matter where you are..!!!  "
I hear Chotu say in a concerned way.

Knowing that he's definitely not joking about what he just said, I speak again before cutting the call ;
" I'll be there well before that.. Till then get inside and make yourselves comfortable, you know where the spare key is..!!! "

After ending the call, I look at Baba and say ;
" I need to go home as I expected Shree and Chotu came here after me to make sure that I am okay... Before they come here looking for me, I guess I'll have to rush back home.. I'll see you later Baba..!! "

Saying bye to Baba, I pick up my phone and purse, the only things that I had brought with me from Rajasthan and open the door to leave but as soon as I open the door, I see Vishal standing outside about to ring the bell.

Looking confused and tensed, he enters the room and says ;
" Boss.. Last night... You.... "

Even Vishal came to know about what happened last night with me..!? But right now I can't explain anything so I say in a straight bossy way before leaving the room ;
" Not now Vishal....Baba will tell you about last night... And I.... I'll come to see you soon and I'll explain you the rest of the plan then. Right now I have to leave, Shree and Chotu are waiting for me home.... "

After saying that, I leave the room and the two guys behind as I rush back to my house where the other two guys are waiting for me to come back.


Chotu and Shree waited impatiently for Riya to arrive inside the house as instructed. They had very well decided that in case Riya doesn't show up in exactly 30 minutes, then the very 31st minute they'll be going to look for her. But fortunately they didn't have to as Riya managed to get there well on time.

The Dead Officer's Truth OR Facet. ONGOING Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ