Chapter 3: off on an adventure

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Violet POV

I woke up, my head against the window. I glanced around and saw Bilbo was fast asleep in his bed however the dwarves where gone. My eyes widened and I jumped and ran to Bilbo. "Mr. Baggins! Wake up! We're late!" I said shaking his arm. "What? Late for what?" He asked. "The dwarves left without us...we need to go." I said. Bilbo rolled his eyes, "why do you want to go? You never go anywhere." He said. I bit my sleeve and thought, "well...I want to help them..." I said. Bilbo sighed and looked at the contract they left on the table with my signature already on it. "Wait if you signed it why didn't they wake you up?" He asked. "Remember? I said I would only go if you did." I said. Biblo sighed and started to get things together. I grabbed the contract for him to sign.

We signed and ran out of the door, trying to catch up to the dwarves. It took quite a bit of fence hopping and hill climbing. I glided over every obstacle easily, however I stayed behind Bilbo.

Thorin POV

We rode quietly, besides the select conversations between some of the dwarves. "Wait! Wait!" I heard someone yell. I stopped and turned around to see Bilbo, and Violet trailing behind. "I signed it, I sighed it." Bilbo said out of breath. Violet seemed to not be affected at all by the running. Bilbo handed the contract to Balin and Gandalf turned and looked at Violet. "Come my dear, you can ride with me." Gandalf said. Violet nodded and took his hand before effortlessly swinging onto his horse. "Hello Violet," I said. She looked at me, biting her sleeve, a slight red tint across her cheeks. "Hello" she said quietly. "All seems to be in order. Welcome Master Baggins, Violet, to the company of Thorin Oakenshield." Balin said with a smile. The dwarves cheered. "Give him a pony." I said. "O-oh no I can walk, I'm sure I can keep up-ahh!" He yelled as Kili and Fili lifted him onto the extra pony.

We rode quietly for quite some time until Gandalf looked to me. "I am going to go look ahead, can Violet ride with you?" He asked. I nodded and started to stop until Violet just swung over while I was still moving. "Okay then," I muttered as Gandalf rode ahead. I noticed Violet wasn't holding on, though we wherent going very fast it was still safer. I glanced back and saw her looking to her left at the scenery. "Your very quiet." I said. "Yeah..." I heard her squeak. "Why? Are you nervous?" I asked, trying to get her to speak more. "A little" she said. I sighed realizing this wasn't going anywhere. We saw Gandalf ahead and Violet tapped on my shoulder. "Yes?" I asked. "Look," she pointed off to see a mother rabbit with her babies. "Rabbits?" I asked. "Albino rabbits, their rare." She said quietly. I nodded and looked at the bunnies. "How did you know what kind they where?" I asked. She shrugged, "lots of time in the woods..." She said quietly. I felt her arms gently rest around my waist.

We rode until we found a nice place to stop for the night. I hoped off then helped Violet. "Thank you..." She said quietly looking at the ground. "Anything you want me to do?" I asked. I shook my head. "Just go get wherever your going to sleep set up." I said. She nodded and went to do as told. I looked and found Bilbo. "Mr.Baggins, what's wrong with her?" I asked. Bilbo sighed and shrugged, "she's just very scared around men. Something to do with her father I assure you." He said. I looked and watched her impact her sleeping blankets and lay down with her back turned to the company. "Well...that's unfortunate." I said, I actually felt bad for her. Obviously something was wrong with her, I was itching to find out what.

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