Chapter 36: I will love her no less

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(((You're my heart Part 2 is the next chapter, their just going to be one chapter apart)))

Thorin POV

I paced back and forth infront of a tent inside Dale. Oin and a few other medically capable hands, including Tauriel had taken Violet from me to try and help her.


I held Violet tight in my arms, keeping her from moving around too much. Oin had come and we removed her armor covering her chest and stomach. He inspected the wound however never got around to telling me what it was before we ran to get her help. As we watched the Orc's flee over the hill I was met by my cousin Dain. "The lass! What happened?!" He yelled coming to me, followed by other members of the company. I looked down and saw blood beginning to flood her mouth. "No! No!" I panicked. "Flip her over!! We need to get the blood out or she'll choke!" Tauriel said taking her and turning her over. Suddenly Violets body hacked up the blood on its own, I saw her eyes flutter and her look at me, blood dripping off her perfect lips. Her eyes where dreary and her skin was pale. "Legolas! The tent, bring her!" Tauriel said as they ran into Dale carrying Violet in their arms. "T-Thorin!" I heard her choke. I went to run but was held back by Oin. "Thorin!" He said. "What? Wh-what?" I asked. "Violet...I must tell you...her wounds are very severe...though if the wound to her abdomen doesn't kill her...her head very well might..." He said. My eyes widened, I suddenly felt my eyes begin to water as I looked towards where she was carried away. Oin then took his leave to go help her. "Thorin...don't worry...Violet will be alright." Dwalin said placing a hand on my shoulder as I took a deep breath and sat down on a nearby rock. I held my head in my hands. "What....what if she's not...what if I lose my beautiful Violet?" I asked breathlessly. "Don't think like that, that will only make it come true." Kili said. "Aye, Violet is a tough girl...if any of us where to pull through injuries like would be her." Bofur said. I looked up, seeing my entire company infront of me. I nodded, "your right...she will be alright...I just know it.." I said standing. I walked towards Dale to find the tent she was in, only to be shoved aside by Thranduil storming past me. "I thought you left." I said. He stopped and turned to look at me. "Why would I leave both my children here, especially when one is so gravely injured." He snapped before storming forward. I felt no need to argue with him...I felt no need to start a mind was set on one thing. I walked forward towards the tent though as I closed in two elven woman came out and stopped me. "King Thorin, we must ask you to stay out here..." One said. "What?! Why?" I asked. "Violet has asked for none of the to be let in while we are healing her." She said. I furrowed my eyebrows. "I am the king, I assure you my statues surpasses her requests." I said. "No...she said your name individually." She said. I huffed and nodded. "Alright...will she be alright?" I asked. They looked at eachOther, "it's too early to tell...we will find you and bring you news when we have the conclusion." They said before going back into the tent.

*end Flashback*

I sighed and made my way back to the mountain to check of my other men. As I approached i saw the wounded being treated...out of all of the injuries I see before me, I was glad Violets was not the worse. Some of the dwarfs where being sowed up, others...comforted into their passing. "Thorin!" I heard my nephew yell. I turned as I saw Kili running towards me. "How's Violet?" He asked. "I don't know...they said they would bring news when they had it." I said. I glanced around him and saw Bilbo speaking with Balin...he had all of his things together. I walked past Kili and towards them, realizing Balin is trying to persuade him to stay. "There is to be a great feast tonight. Songs will be song, tales will be told and the story of how Erebor was reclaimed will pass into legend" he said. "Yes, we would appreciate it if you stayed." I said. Bilbo looked at me and shook his head, "I think I should be heading off...back to the Shire." He said. I frowned as he turned away, "I'm sure Violet would like to see her long time friend when she is in recovery." I said. He sighed and shook his head. "Well, I think I'll slip quietly away. Will you tell the others I said goodbye?" He asked. "You can tell them yourself." I said. Bilbo looked startled and turned around to see the company, along with Balin and I looking at him. "If any of you ever passing Bag End, tea is at four - there's plenty of it. You are welcome anytime." He said. I grinned slightly. He went to walk away then stopped, "oh, and don't bother knocking." He said. We smiled and nodded. "Wait!" I said as the rest of the dwarves went on with their business. "Yes?" Bilbo asked stopping. I removed my cloak and pulled the Mithril shirt from my body. "Here," I said handing it too him. "Oh, Thank you Thorin...please...give Violet my best wishes." He said. I frowned and nodded, "are you sure you would not like to wait for her? After are the only reason she came on this journey in the first place." I said. He laughed slightly, "I-i was wasn't I?" He asked. I nodded. "I don't really think I would be missed in my absence." He said. "What makes you think that, my friend?" I asked crossing my arms. He chuckled, "well I am quite sure the one she will be looking for if she pulls through this is you." He said looking up at me. "You may be right...I don't know, however if that is the case...the would you stay for me?" I asked. He looked at my utterly shocked. You want me to stay?" He asked. "You risked your life a good many times for me, and my kin Mr. Baggins, I could never think of you as less than a dear, close friend." I said. He smiled up at me, the looked to the ground, "well...I suppose I could stay." He said. I smiled and marched to him before hugging the hobbit tightly. "Thank you!" I said with a laugh, feeling him slightly hug me back. I let go and look at him happily before leading him back the mountain. "Mr. Baggins has decided to join us for tonight's feast!" I said. Causing an uproar of cheers. Suddenly I was quieted by the feeling of tugging on my tunic. I look down and noticed a small girl, looking up at me with bright blue, one green. As well as long silvery white hair. "E-excuse me..." She squeaked with a quiet shy voice. I turned and kneeled down to her height. "Yes?" I asked. "Are you T-Thorin Oakenshield?" She asked. I nodded, "yes, I am, and who are you?" I asked. I saw a small shy, nervous blush go across her small cheeks. "Lunetta..." She said quietly. I grinned, "is there something I can help you with?" I asked. "You can watch over her." I looked up and saw Bard. "What?" I asked standing. "Violet found this girl during the battle, she said she would go back to her afterwards however she is obviously busy, I had hopes, because I must care for my own people, that you could watch over her for the time being." He said. I looked down at the girl. "Yes, I can do that." I said lifting her up into my arms. Bard smiled at me, "thank you, I'm sure Violet would be relieved to know the girl is in safe hands." He said before quickly leaving. "Who's the wee lassie?" Bofur said coming to my side. "Her name is Lunetta. Violet found her during the battle and took her to safety." I said. Suddenly Bofur pointed out something. A small extremely faint line of hair a small ways down her jawline. "Um...elves don't get beards..." Bofur said. I looked at her oddly, suddenly a red blush appears as she covered her jaw where the faint white hair was. "I-I get it from my mother..." She said quietly. "Is your mother a dwarf?" I asked. She looked at me and nodded, "y-yes..." She said. I grinned. "I know someone else like that." I said. Her eyes widened. "Really?! Who???" She asked. "Violet, the girl who saved you." I said. "S-she said she would some back to me...where is she?" She asked. "She is being healed and treated for her wounds." I said. "Thorin! Thorin!" I heard Oin's voice. I whipped around and saw Oin...slightly covered in blood running towards me. "What news do you have of Violet?" I asked. He smiled at me, and the others. "Violet will be alright, she's a fighter...she truly is. Tauriel and the other elves are finishing her procedure and will be done shortly. I was sent back for my work was done." He said. I smiled widely as the news of my beloved pulling through. "See? You'll see her soon." I said to the girl. "In the mean time," Gloin said coming to me, "would ye like some food lassie?" He asked. She nodded and reached for him, "be careful with her, or Violet will come after you." I said. Gloin nodded with a smile before carrying the small girl away. I looked at Oin, "Thorin...there is one more bit of news I have for ye..." He said. "What's that?" I asked. "While the stab managed to miss any life threatening organs it did manage to pierce one...vital spot." He said. "What do you mean?" I asked. Oin looked at the ground then to me. "Well...the area where Azog managed to puncture is a vital area...for barring children." He said lowly. "Are you saying this injure has taken away the ability for Violet to have kids?" I asked. "No! Well...okay it may have...there's no way we can really tell. I'm just saying, she may not have that ability anymore." He said. "That bastard...may have very well made my future queen barren?" I growled. Oin nodded. "Future Queen? So you are planning on marrying the lass?" He asked. I nodded, "of course I am...however...I don't think her not being able to have kids will hurt anything. Fili is still here, in like for the throne, they will marry and have children." I said. "You are not unhappy about possibly not being able to have kids?" Oin asked. "Of course I am...I am hoping we will be able too...however if that is not the case...I will love her no less." I said. Oin smiled at me, "You really love her don't you?" He asked. I smiled and nodded, "aye, I love her more than life." I said. "Well...when you see her, I wouldn't mention this conversation right away... Tauriel has planned to tell her...and news like that to a woman can be very damaging.... And no let make them feel like less of a woman. Especially for a king who wishes to have sons to pass the throne down to." Oin said. "I will never think of her less than a woman...I could never look at her as anything other than my beloved queen." I said. Oin grinned and nodded to me before taking his leave. I looked out of the opened gate towards Dale. I felt saddened at the news I may not be able to have children...however...knowing Violet would be back in my arms...and for the rest of our lives...well that was good enough for me.

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