Chapter 38: Please no

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(((Above is Violet as a child, only with Brown hair and green eyes)))

Violet PoV

I stood behind Thorin, looking at the all too familiar face of my uncle. He was my fathers brother...if I had to choose between my father and choose him...though he wasn't very great ether. Though I was rarely around him, the times I where where traumatizing. It wasn't that he raped me yes, but never forced himself into me. He beat me, humiliated me, degraded me. "N-no! You can't do that!!" I spoke up. "Lass, we both know I can. You're underage, and given your father is gone as well as your mother, you have no one else to care for you." He said. I couldn't argue...he was right. "No! I will not allow this. I'm positive my word rules over yours." Thorin said. "Oh, and how would word of the King of Erebor planning to marry and sleep with an underage girl work out among your people?" He asked. "I would never sleep with or marry her while she is underage! I am no disgusting man, unlike your brother." Thorin growled. "Kili, Fili, take her out of here, Dis go with them." Thorin said walking closer to my uncle. "Come on dear," Dis said. I was utterly terrified to move...Kili and Fili actually grabbed me and began pulling me. I walked shakily between them, looking back at Thorin escorting my uncle elsewhere.

As we walked I stopped. "C-can I be by myself for a little while?" I asked. Fili and Kili looked at me. "I mean...yeah sure. Where are you going?" Fili asked. "Outside...on that massive rock outside Erebor." I said turning and walking away. Once I was outside I felt the cold air nip at my exposed skin. A disgusted and horrified shiver went down my spine...just knowing he was in the mountain talking to Thorin. I easily climbed up the rock, seeing the sun beginning to set. I pulled my knees to my chest and felt a shaky breath escape me. I felt a pain in my chest and a lump in my throat. I chocked out tears and hid my face in my knees. "I-I thought I was free....I was finally away from all of the hell I had to grow up w-with." I whimpered. I remember when I had first met my uncle...I thought he was so nice at first...however...I suppose brothers tend to be alike...much to my disadvantage.

*Flashback* (((Violet is around six years old)))

Violet PoV

"VIOLET!!!!!!" I jumped out of bed hearing my fathers raging voice. I scrambled out of the very high bed...too tall for me...I've fallen, slipped while trying to get up...and gave up sleeping on the floor on many occasions. I reached up and opened the door before running down the hall and peaking around the corner. "Y-y-yes?" I asked quietly seeing my large frightening father. I looked and noticed he had bags packed, along with his weapons. "A-are you g-going somewhere?" I asked quietly stepping hardly more into the room. "Yes. I am going to Bree to meet with a friend of mine. My brother will be coming to watch you...since I can't leave you by yourself." He said walking towards me and squatting down to my height. He grabbed my chin and jaw forcing me to look up at him. "I swear...your too beautiful for a seven year old." He said looking at me. I pulled my face out of his hand out of fear, only to feel the hard pack of his hand to my face, knocking me to the ground. I screamed and held my cheek on the floor as he stood and walked away. I sniffed as tears fell down my cheeks. I sat up and saw him pick up his bags. "Your uncle will be here soon. Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone." He said before harshly shutting the door and leaving. I had never met my was terrified at how this would go. I sat up and looked at the face was still aching with pain. I sniffed and scrambled to my feet. I pushed a chair into the kitchen and climbed on top of it to grab a small towel. I hopped back down before going out the back door into the garage where there was a little bit of snow left from winter. I packed a good amount of it into the towel and wrapped it up before pressing it to my cheek. I walked back into the house and into my room. I struggled to reach into my bed just enough to pull my stuffed toy down. My father had gotten it for me when I broke my was his fault...but I suppose it was because he felt bad...maybe. I walked into the sitting room and crawled onto the couch before pulling a blanket over me and curling up, pressing the cloth of snow against the cushion of the couch so it stayed pressured on my cheek. It was still quite early in the morning, so I felt no harm going back to sleep.

The quiet one (Thorin Oakenshield love story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें