Chapter 26: Please take it

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This...chapter is sort of depressing...

Thorin POV

"THORIN!!!! STOP!!!!" I heard Violet scream at the top of her lungs. I glared daggers at the terrified dwarf. "T-Thorin I swear I didn't do anything against you!" Bofur begged. "THORIN OAKENSHIELD!!!!!" Violet screamed furiously. "How dare you touch my Violet." I said. "Thorin I swear! I wasn't touching her!! At least not on purpose! She hugged me!" Bofur said. "VIOLET!" I heard Dwalin yell when suddenly the door broke open and I was tackled away from Bofur. "Thorin!!! Please!!!! I hugged him! He didn't do anything wrong!" She begged, she was straddling my waist and holding my arms down by my wrists. "Why would you do such a thing! I told you I didn't want anyone touching you!" I yelled. "Thorin..." She breathed, "all it was was a friendly hug. Nothing more, nothing less. Bofur has become a dear dear friend to me. Though you are on a much higher level when it comes to my affections!" She growled at me. I looked at Bofur who was looking at her like she was his hero. I growled and rolled her off of me and ran at him. Before I could reach him i saw a dagger lodge into the wall beside his head. I turned around and saw Violet with her sword drawn, fire in her eyes. "Thorin, get. Away. From. Bofur. If you want someone to fight," she said moving herself between us, pointing her sword at me. "Fight me." She said, looking at me. The look in her eyes was that of protection, though also a pleading look. "Fight me Thorin! If your so angry...fight me! It was my fault, I hugged him! I'm sorry! I ment no offense." She said readjusting the grip on her sword. "Why are you going to such lengths to protect him?" I asked placing a hand on my sword. "I would do the same for you. I protect the people I care about, even if it's against people I love." She said. I stopped and looked at her, "you love me...?" I asked quietly. "Yes! I have every since we where at Beorns house." She said. "I don't want you to ever doubt that I do just because I hug the people I've come so close to over the last year! They're like family!" She said. I saw her sniff as her eyes began to water. I took my hand off my sword, "I will not fight the one so dear to my heart."

Violet PoV

I held my sword rightly pointed at Thorin. "I will not fight the one so dear to my heart." He said dropping his sword on the ground. I saw him look at Bofur. "Bofur, I apologize for my actions." He said respectfully. I was surprised he actually apologized. "Now leave." He said. Bofur didn't need to be asked twice, he sprinted out of there. I looked at Thorin. "Can I put my sword away?" I asked. "Yes...I wasn't planning to bring you any harm." He said. I put my sword back in its sheath. "Well, I mean I don't know my arm hurts from you throwing me of you." I muttered. "What?!" He asked panicked. "Don't fret, nothing I haven't felt before." I said with a small grin. I looked at Thorin, his expression was worried. I kissed his cheek and walked past him.

I walked out to the gate while the others stayed inside. I kicked various stones while admiring my armor. I looked to my right and saw Bilbo, tossing a rope over the side. "Bilbo!" I whisper screamed. "Yes?" He asked as if he was doing nothing wrong. "What on earth are you doing?" I asked walking to him. "Well..." He said. "I don't care, I'm coming with you. Move it." I said, I looked around to make sure nobody was around. He nodded and started down the rope with me close behind. We climbed down, almost falling a few times. I the followed him as we ran towards Dale. "What are we doing?" I asked. He only looked at me and continued running. 'Please don't let Thranduil be there...please' I thought.

Bilbo and I snuck through Dale, easily being unseen. I had to stifle my laughter seeing Bilbos "sneaky" stroll. As we snuck closer we heard Gandalf speaking. "You! Bowman." He said. "The gold so very important to you, that you would you bind with the blood of dwarves?" Gandalf asked. "It will not come to that!" Bard replied. "This is a fight they cannot win." He said. "That won't stop them." Bilbo said as we ran around the corner. "You think they dwarves will surrender? They won't. They will fight to the death to defend their own." Bilbo said. Gandalf looked at us surprised. "Bilbo Bagging...Violet..." Gandalf said. We smiled, only I froze hearing another voice. "If I am not mistaken, this is the halfling who stole the keys to my dungeons under the nose of my guards." Thranduil said looking at him, not once at me. He most likely didn't recognize me in armor, so I kept my head down. "...yesh...sorry bout that..." Bilbo said. I hid my ever growing smile. I looked and saw Bard grinning. "I came, to give you this." He said as he unwrapped cloth on the table...revealing the Arkenstone. "Bilbo!!" I shrieked. Thranduil's attention. " have a lot of nerve coming into our camp." He said standing. I looked at him, "Thranduil, leave the girl alone. Let's focus on the problem at hand." Bard said, I made a mental note to thank him later. Thranduil then noticed that the Arkenstone was on the table and his eyes widened as he stood. "The heart of the mountain..." He whispered. "The Kings jewel..." He whispered again. "And worth a kings ransom." Bard said. I then noticed truly how small Bilbo and I where. We where only up to Bard, Thranduil and Gandalf's low waist. Bard looked at Bilbo, "how is this yours to give?" He asked. "It's not." I muttered. Bilbo sighed and looked at me before back to them, "I took it as my fourteenth share of the treasure." He said. "Wh-what?! Bilbo that's not how that works!" I said. He bluntly ignored me. "Why would you do this? You owe us no loyalty." Bard said. "I'm not doing it for you. I know that dwarves can be obstinate and pig headed...and difficult, and suspicious and secretive...." Bilbo said. "with the worst manners you could possible imagine. ." He added, I elbowed him in the side. "Hey!" I said making Gandalf laugh. "But!" He said holding his hand up to me. "They are also brave, kind, loyal to a fault. I've grown very fond of them and I would save them if I can. Now Thorin values this stone above all else." Bilbo said. I nodded in agreement. "He does, as much as I disagree with him doing this..." I said looking at Thranduil, "for that stone he will give you what you want, there will be no need for war." I said. They all looked at each other and said nothing. Gandalf took bilbo to speak with him. "Violet." I froze hearing the elven Kings voice. "Yes?" I asked turning. "May I speak with you?" He asked gesturing to his tent once again. Bard looked at us as we entered. "Before you say anything may I speak?" I said bluntly. He looked at me and nodded. "Look...I know you hate me. Despise my existence....I have a bargain for you, and you only." I said glancing at bard. "Continue." Thranduil said. " don't fight against can take my life...just don't hurt Thorin. He's sick...that good is corrupting his mind." I said looking at the ground. "Vio-" bard started. "Yes I am ready to give my life for him!!" I said cutting him off. "I don't care what it takes, i know this is going to end in war I can feel it. I just don't want the elves going against the dwarves. If I need to keep that from happening by giving you my life. So be it." I said before I choked up. "I don't feel a need for it anymore anyways." I said blinking back tears. " you not feel a need for it?" Thranduil asked. "I know you hate me but I don't hate you, not in the slightest. Your the closest person to my mother I have left. I'm not allowed to see Legolas so he isn't an option." I choked out, "I have no family left...I'm alone." I said. Bard stood and walked out, "this seems like a private conversation." He said. "What about your father?" Thranduil asked. "What father?! I don't have one...he beat me, abused me and my mind...that is no father." I said. I looked up at him and saw a look of concern...and regret. He began to speak but I cut him off, "I don't want to bargain...take my long as you don't fight against Thorin. Actually...take it anyways." I said holding my arm with my hand. "Will you not miss Thorin?" He asked. "I will...I'll miss him with every inch of my being, I love him...but I'm pretty sure he would get bored of me. Leave me after a while...and I would rather die knowing my one loved me than live out my life with him and slowly watch him fall out of love. He loves that stupid rock more than he loves me." I said pointing at the Arkenstone. I shook my head backing away. "I would rather give my life than watch any of those dwarves go to war for what is rightfully theirs." I said before he could respond and I excited the tent and let out a sob as I walked towards Bilbo and Gandalf. "V-Violet...what's wrong?" Bilbo asked me concerned. I shook my head and walked past him.

I climbed back up the wall and my breathing was uneasy. As I walked back into the mountain another sob escaped, easily gaining the dwarves attention as I passed them. "Violet?" Kili asked. "Violet what's wrong?!" Bofur asked standing. Suddenly Thorin came in and saw my cheeks stained with tears and my eyes red. "My love...what's wrong?" He asked concerned coming towards me. I shook my head and help my hand out. "Leave me alone...I want to be alone." I said. "No! Tell me what troubles you!" He yelled intensely worried. "I can't." I muttered before running off. I wandered until I stopped in one of the tunnels. "How am I supposed to tell him I just basically sold my life...that I will not be here after the battle...or be breathing shortly after?" I cried to myself.


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