Chapter 42: I've never looked like this

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This chapter is short, just saying

Violet POV

I walked peacefully, my arm linked with the king of Erebor's. I glanced up at him from time to time, admiring his manly, handsome features. He was beautiful, he had the appearance of a king, the bravery of a warrior, and the heart of a lover. Though, I've grown to know him well, there was an iron barrier around his was mine. I was amazed, when I had first met Thorin in Bag-end I would have never guess he would grow to be such an impact on me. When I had met him...I was terrified of him...a big, strong, burly man who's expression reminded me of an angry wolf, where as I...most likely looked like a fragile terrified bunny who'd lost its way in the woods...completely defenseless. Though the more and more I grew closer to him, the more he began to feel like someone I couldn't live without. He kept me grounded, he protected me from my worse fears and made my stomach bubble with laughter, gracing my lips with an ever so seldom smile.

I pulled myself out of my own mind and listened to how Thorin was still speaking of a festival that was had before Smaug attacked. "I must say that my favorite part was the lanterns, they where beautiful." He said. The word Lanterns caught my attention. "Lanterns?" I asked. "Yes?" He said. "Um...what's a lantern?" I asked innocently. "W-what? You don't know what a lantern is?" He asked. I felt a little embarrassed...but never the less shook my head. He laughed slightly, "Well, don't worry about it my love. We have more important things to attend to right now." He said. I nodded slightly as we re entered Erebor. "Thorin!!!" We suddenly heard Dis's voice running towards us. We turned and certainly found his sister with a smile on her face. "Where have you two been?" She asked. "I had to go get her from the lake." Thorin said. "Oh, why where you down there?" She asked me. I blushed and looked at the ground, "um...I was mad..." I said quietly. "Oh, blowin off steam?" She asked. "Somewhat." I replied. "Lovely, anyways! I wanted to let you know that Kili and Fili are getting ready for the festival, you should be as well." She said. "Yes, however I need you to help Violet get herself ready, as well as helping her with whatever she needs necessary, she may need help getting changed, and have her wounds cleaned and rewrapped." Thorin said. Did nodded before grabbing my hand, "was there anything specific you wanted me to have her wear?" Dis asked. Before Thorin could reply, a new voice spoke out. "If you don't mind..." I turned and saw Tauriel standing behind us. "Yes?" Thorin asked. "I wish to help lady Dis with Violets preparation, I have a dress I feel would fit her well." she said. I looked at Dis as she looked over Tauriel then smiled and nodded. "Of course you can! As long as your okay with it." She said looking at me. "Of course I'm okay with it." I said with a small grin. In no time I was dragged away by the two. "Alright we need to wash her hair, wash her body, care for her wounds, find the dress and shoes, get her hair dried, brush and braid it." Dis said. My eyes widened. "U-um I have a question..." I said. "Yes dear?" Dis asked. I was going to ask if I really had to wear shoes....though decided against it. 'I'll just ditch them later.' I though. "N-never mind." I said As I was pulled into Dis's bedroom. "Tauriel run a bath." She said. Tauriel didn't need to be told twice. I heard water begin to run, before my clothes began to be stripped from me. I shivered and covered myself instantly. "Oh lass, we all have the same parts, nothing we 'avent seen before!" Dis laughed as she led me into the bathroom.

They both scrubbed my hair to get any dirt or sweat out of it. scrubbed my body, careful around my wounds. Then suddenly Tauriel tilted my head back and began plucking my eyebrows. I yelped in pain. "What are ye doin?!" Dis snarled. "What? I'm shaping her eyebrows so they aren't...bushes." She said. "Dwarves like hair. Leave it." Dis argued. "well elves don't, so get rid of it." Tauriel snapped back. "C-can she actually pluck them...?" I asked quietly. Dis looked at me shocked. "I'm part elf..." I said. She sighed and waved her hand and continued scrubbing the bottoms of my feet, smoothing them out. Tauriel plucked and shaped my eyes brows and the very little amount of hair above my upper lip. "There~now hold your breath." She said. I didn't question it and did as she asked. She pushed me underwater and scrubbed out the conditioner in my hair that had been sitting there, soaking in. I came back up gasping for breath. "Mahal." I muttered rubbing my nose and breathing water out of them. I wiped my eyes looked at them getting this weird salt stuff. "What's that?" I asked. "Oh! This is a mineral that smooths out your skin in one use." Dis said. "Yeah, it certainly is a magical substance." Tauriel said. They proceeded to scrub me down, making me smell like lavender. "Lady Dis, may I speak with Violet alone for a moment?" Tauriel asked. Dis nodded, "I need to go find beads actually." Dis said before leaving. Tauriel shut the bathroom door and looked at me. " I have an important question...and it's going to be awkward." She said. "Go on?" I asked. "Well, I just have the slight feeling...Thorin...may want to make you his tonight." She said. My eyes widened. "Y-you think he will try to sleep with me?" I asked. She nodded, "so my question is...would you like me to get rid of the hair um...down there? So it's nice and pretty if you decide to?" She asked. I felt my face go beat red. "U-um...s-sure. Would he like that? I thought dwarves liked hair?" I asked. "Um, I'll leave a strip of hair up the front." She said before taking my hand and I was taken out of the tub and told to lay on the ground and spread my legs as she began doing something called...waxing.

After that intensely painful experience Tauriel covered my newly smooth lady parts with an ice cold rag, it stung for a moment then felt amazing. "T-thank you I said. I looked at her slightly confused "why are you preparing me for sex?" I asked confused. She shrugged, "Well it's pretty obvious Thorin has wanted you since your company was in Mirkwood, he's been restraining himself." She said. I blushed, "oh...okay..." I said. "Time to get you dressed, the festival will be starting any time soon." She said as she suddenly pulled a dress out of the closet. My eyes widened, "whoa..." I whispered walking to her and looking closer at the beautiful white short dress. "I-is this for me?" I asked looking up at her. "Of course!" She smiled. "Wait!!" Dis said as she came back in. "We need to rewrap her wounds." Dis said. I nodded before letting them quickly wrap whatever they felt needed wrapping. "Alright, the hair." Dis said. They both attacked my head, brushing through my long hair, getting out knots, and Tauriel braided my bangs back with a single pretty braid, letting the rest of my hair flow free. "Beautiful, now, do you have the dress?" Dis asked. Tauriel nodded and helped me easily slip on the dress, which fit me perfectly. "Wow. Stunning." Tauriel said. Dis smiled and looked at me before handing me a pair of gold colored sandals. I cringed and looked at the shoes. 'Ugh.' I thought. They where pretty, no doubt...but I really wasn't wanting to wear shoes. I turned and looked at myself in the mirror...I hardly recognized myself. "I've never looked like this before...I always looked like I just crawled out of the forest from practicing fighting" I said surprised. "Well," Tauriel said. Dis tucked my hair behind my ear, "you look like a princess now." She said with a smile. I blushed and looked myself over once more. Suddenly we began to hear music and people happily talking and laughing. "The festival!!! I need to get dressed!!!" Dis panicked before running off. Tauriel and I laughed before we began down to the great hall. "Are you nervous?" She asked. I sighed, "oh yes, extremely." I said with a smile.

The quiet one (Thorin Oakenshield love story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora