Chapter 46: Bite me.

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Very Short chapter

Violet PoV

'What the actual hell...' I thought as I felt my self awaken with a throbbing in my head. "Agh" I groaned in pain as I instantly held my head. "T-thorin?" I whimpered and opened my eyes only to see Thorins side of the bed empty. I tried to move and cringed as the second I did my head throbbed in pain. "Agh whyyyy!!!!" I groaned slamming my face into the pillow. I heard nothing and frowned pulling my head out of the pillow and standing up. Well...okay 1: what am I wearing, and 2...WHY DOESN MY HEAD HURT?!

After I pulled on an appropriate outfit and combed through my unruly hair, I made my way out of the bedroom to find Oin. I cringed as I walked down the long corridor filled with loud talking of dwarves. I covered my ears and cursed to myself. I looked where I was going and found the kitchen. "...they better have chocolate." I muttered to myself as I walked in. As I did so a few women looked at me in respect, and the remainder in disgust. "Excuse me?" I asked one of the ones looking at me kindly. "Yes, Lady Violet?" She asked. "Do you by any chance have chocolate?" I asked desperately. "Of course we do! Wait for a moment." She said. I smiled thankfully. "A queen shouldn't eat chocolate." One of the women said loudly. "Then I guess it's a good thing I'm not a queen yet." I said, not having the energy to even try and be nice. "Here you go ma'am." The other lady said coming back handing me a nice cloth wrapped bundle of chocolate. "Thank you so much!" I said smiling. "Any time!" She said. "Ugh, you are going to disgrace the Durin throne, and Erebor." The woman who spoke rudely before said, speaking again. I growled, "you know what?" I asked gritting my teeth, turning to face the dwarfish woman. "Please, tell me." She said glaring down at me. "The Durin line would be dead if I weren't here, Erebor would be in the control of orcs, you would still be wherever the hell you drug yourself from. Oh, and you were the one who told me I didn't deserve Thorins love right?" I asked. She looked at me slightly shaken. "Yes. I was." She said. I smirked, "hm, if anything your displeasure of me being with Thorin is most likely jealously. Hey your not the only one who's shocked by his decision...but hey...I'm the one who gets him, he loves me for everything I am. He loves my soft hair to my scars to my bruised legs and arms. However he really loves my sweet personality, which may set me apart from you and you bitter one. So go ahead and build a bridge and walk your angry self right over it!" I said walking towards her. I poked her chest and glared into her fear stricken eyes. "You know nothing of me and have no right to treat your future queen as such, now Id usually ignore rude insufferable people like you but my head hurts like I was struck with a hammer, so I'm in no mood for you." I said as I turned away and grabbed my chocolate before walking towards the door. "Whore." I heard her whisper behind me. I smirked, "say that in front of Thorin, see what happens!" I yelled behind.

After my little chat with the kitchen woman I found myself in the medical wing. I currently was sitting on a table eating chocolate waiting for Oin. "Well well well, look who's out and about!" I heard a familiar voice say. I glanced up, half a bar of chocolate hanging out of my mouth. I murmured to myself while biting the bar in half as Kili and Fili came into the room. "Never mind, how does your head feel?" asked. "I've been better." I said after swallowing the chocolate. "I'm sorry, are you waiting for medicine?" Fili asked. "Hell yeah I am. I'm not leaving this damn room until I get meds." I said with a smirk. "What is that?" He asked. "This?" I asked holding up chocolate. He nodded. I grinned and broke off a tiny piece and handed it to him. "Find out for yourself." I smiled. He scowled then ate the small piece. I giggled and watched his facial reaction. "Hm, doesn't taste very healthy." He said. "Ha! Who cares about eating healthy?" I asked laughing. Kili let out a laugh and snatched a bit from me. "Hey!" I squealed. "Oh hush, I'm sure you could get more." He said. I rolled my eyes and nodded. "How are you guys?" I asked. "Well I'm wonderful, brother?" Kili asked looking at Fili. I snickered, "oh my dear brother I am fabulous!" He said jokingly. I started laughing and hopped off the table. "Alright this is stupid, help me find scarrled root." I said. "Scarrled root?" Kili asked. "Um, it's a very rare root but I saw it in here. You suck the honey out of the stem and it almost instantly heals head injuries." I said. They started spreading out and looking about for the root "Do you guys know where Thorin is?" I asked quietly as I searched. Before they could respond suddenly two strong arms wrapped around my waist flipping me back over, my stomach against his shoulder. "Thorin!!!!!" I squealed and laughed loudly. "You know nobody but Oin and his helpers are aloud to look through the herbs!" He laughed. "I don't carrrreeeee put me ddddoooowwwwnnnn!!!!!"I laughed pounding on his chest playfully. Him, along with his nephews laughed as he put me down and kissed me lovingly. "Come, I will make you tea for your head." He said wrapping his arm around my waist. "Yay~" I said grabbing his vest and jumping up, kissing his cheek. He smiled, "your very happy~" I said. "Why yes I am, and I will tell you that reason later." He said. "Alright alright, I can live with that." I laughed as I took another bite off of the chunk of chocolate I had. "That's not very healthy Violet." He said with a joking/serious tone. I playfully glared up at him. "Hey, bite me! I don't remember asking your opinion!" I laughed slapping his chest. "Don't tell me to bite you," he said leaning down to my ear, nibbling on my earlobe making me blush. "I just might to as you ask." He said. I blushed and nudged him in the side with my elbow making him smiled and hugged my waist as he lead me away...hopefully to get tea as he promised.

Why was he so happy though? I sighed and brushed it off, hopefully it was pretty good. It had to be...this dwarf is pretty hard to make happy and playful....anyone would know I'm right.

The quiet one (Thorin Oakenshield love story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant