Chapter 20: the hidden door

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Thorin POV

I woke up, I could tell it was still the middle of the night from looking out the window. I looked down and saw Violet resting her head on my chest, hugging my waist. I could feel her legs tightening around one of mine. I couldn't help but let a grin show. She was perfect in my eyes...the way her hair flowed when she ran, her angelic voice that was soft and general but yet could be loud and harsh when provoked. Her body was beautiful, I can't deny that my eyes have wandered up and down it many times when she wasn't looking. My hand ran up her side, under her soft sweater, feeling her cool skin against my hand. Her skill as a fighter was astonishing, with one glance at her you'd never guess she could wield a sword with such skill and grace. Her skin was smooth and her lips where beautiful. Her eyes...her eyes where hypnotizing. I wanted her, I wanted her to be mine and nobody else's. I looked down at her, her lips where parted slightly as she breathed. Suddenly she squirmed and rolled almost ontop of me, though it didn't bother me since she weighted almost nothing in my opinion. I situated her so she was still half onto of me but half off with my hand resting on her hip. She began to grumble in her sleep, "th....Thorin..." She said quietly. My eyes widened as I listened. "d-don't...don't leave me...please..." She murmured as her grip tightened. I reached up and pet her hair, she grumbled noises but no words, "I'm not going anywhere...don't worry.." I whispered before she reached and rested her small smooth hand on mine. I grinned fondly and closed my eyes, every now and then she would move and adjust herself. I felt back asleep quickly with her in my embrace.

"Um...Thorin..." I groaned hearing a certain voice trying to wake me up. "What?" I asked. "Isn't it time to leave..." She asked. I opened my eyes and saw her sitting cross legged on the corner of the bed fully dressed looking at me. " is." I said before standing up and began getting dressed. "Uh...d-do you want me to leave?" Violet squeaked. "No, I see no reason for you to." I replied as I pulled on a shirt. "Well...alright..." She said quietly. I quickly finished getting dressed in the new clothes the people of Laketown gave us. "Alright, let's go." I said heading to the door. "W-wait!" Violet said sliding off the bed. "What?" I asked. "One of your's messed up. Can I fix it?" She asked looking up at me. I gulped and nodded. Her hands began unwinding the braid then she began quickly rebranding it. "Alright...there." she said with a slight smile on her face. "Do you want one?" I asked. She looked at me confused. "What?" She asked. "A braid, I can do one for you. Like mine." I said. I saw her cheeks dust pink and nodded, "s-sure." She said. I grabbed a chunk of her long hair where my braid was and quickly began braiding it. After I finished I pulled one of my spare braid beads and secured it. "There..." I said with a grin. She looked in the mirror and I saw a smile on her face, "it's so pretty! Thank you!" She said happily. I grinned that she loved it. I made cute to make it bluntly obvious so Bofur would see it the second he saw her...especially with my silver and sapphire braid bead. "Come on, let's go." I said gently placing a hand on her back while she left through the door.

We walked down the board walk and met with the company...who all looked at Violet shocked but smiled. " there something on my face?" She panicked. Fili snickered. "More like in your hair lass." He said with a wink. Violet looked utterly confused...then I realized she did not know dwarvish courting customs...I guess I'll have to explain it later. The company kept smiling at her as we made our way to the boat. I smirked then turned my attention towards the boat. As we boarded I stood at the front, Violet sat behind me and Bilbo next to her. "I think we're one dwarf short..." Bilbo said. "Uh...we are...where's Bofur?" Violet asked. "If he's not here, we leave him behind." I said. "What?! That's not fair Thorin!" Violet said standing up. "It's not my fault he's not here." I replied calmly. "Why would you do that to someone who's traveled all this way!" She argued. "Violet! Sit down! I don't want to hear another word of it!" I snapped. She glared at me and sat back down with an irritated look on her face. I saw Balin pat her shoulder, "We have to lass, if we're to find the door before nightfall. We can risk no more delays." He said. Violet sighed and nodded, "I suppose..." She said. I looked back and saw Kili limping to the boat. I walked and blocked his way, "Not you. We must travel at speed and you will slow us down." I said. He looked at me shocked and hurt. "What are you talking about? I'm coming with you." Kili said trying to get past me. "No." I deadpinned. Fili who was standing beside me on the boat looked at us. "I'm going to be there when that door is opened, when we first look upon the halls of our fathers, Thorin." Kili said. "Kili...stay Join us when your healed." I said. "I'll stay with the lad, my duties lie with the wounded." Oin said getting off the boat. "Uncle, we grew up on tales of the mountain. Tales you told us. You can't take that away from him!" Fili argued. "Fili...Kili is really might get worse if he has to try and climb up that mountain...." Violet said softly placing a hand on Fili's shoulder. They looked and saw Kili trying to pull away from Oin who was trying to examine him. "Fili." I said. "I will carry him if I must!!" Fili argued. "One day you will be king, and you will understand. I cannot risk the fate of this quest for the sake of one dwarf, not even my own kin." I stated. Violet looked at me wide eyed. Fili glared at me and began to get off the boat. "Fili! Don't be a fool! You belong with the company." I said. He shot me a stone cold look. "I belong with my brother." He said before leaving the boat. I saw Violet begin to get off the boat. I grabbed her arm, "no! We need you here." I said. She shot me a nasty glare, "I can't believe you." She said, her voice was shaky. "Violet he is injured! He would slow us down." I said. "He is your nephew!! Your sisters son!!! You could show a little more compassion! He's probably devastated that he won't get to see where his family came from, where his grandfather ruled when the doors open!" She said. I saw her eyes slightly well up with tears. "Violet...please stay...we need you." I said. "Aye lass...we do need you. In case something happens." Dwalin said, followed by the others agreeing. She looked at them all then back to me. "If I where in Fili's position with my brother...I would have done the same...being there for your sibling when their wounded doesn't make you a fool." She said looking at me before she tore the bead out of her hair and took out her braid. She set the bead in my hand, "it makes you loyal." She said before quietly getting out of the boat and hugging Kili, then Fili. "Be careful you two...please." She said before quietly walking past me and sitting beside Bilbo. My heart ached as I heard her quiet almost non audible words. "I miss Bofur..." She said ever so quietly. I sighed and stood at the top of the boat. Music began to play from the town as we set off. I looked back and saw Violet looking at the crowd. "W-wait! Bofur's right there!! Thorin! Let him on!" She said pleading. I pretended not to hear her and kept heart already ached from leaving my nephews behind...I didn't want to see the one I love curling up to another man.

Throughout the entire ride...Violet said nothing. While we walked...Violet said nothin and looked at the ground. was as though she wasn't there. Bilbo walked in front of me and Violet stayed a little ways behind me, between Ori and Dwalin. We began to approch what used to be the city of Dale. "What is this place?" Bilbo asked. "It was once the city of it is in ruin because of the desolation of Smaug." Balin replied. "The sun will soon reach midday; let's find the hidden door into the mountain before it sets. This way." I said. "Gandalf said to wait at the overlook. Not to go into the mountain without him." Violet said still looking at the ground. "Do you see him? We have no time to wait upon the wizard. We're on our own." I said. She glanced up and made eye contact with me before walking past me and infront of me.

We climbed the mountain, looking for the cliff with the hidden door. Violet was leading the line next to Bilbo. "Do you see anything?" I asked. "" Bilbo said. I looked and saw Violet tap Bilbos arm and point up to a cliff. "Oh! Up there!" He said. "You have keen eyes Violet." I said. She stayed with her back to me and continued walking. We reached the cliff and I walked to the center of the clearing, looking back at my company who had journeyed with my all this way. "This must be it, the hidden door." I said. I stood infront of them. "Let all those who doubted us, rue this day!!!" I said holding up the key. They cheered and began looking for the keyhole. "Well...we have our somewhere there should be a key hole." Dwalin said. "The last light will shine upon the keyhole." I said. Dwalin continued searching however found nothing, not even Nori could. I looked back and saw the sun was setting. "We're losing the light." I said, slightly panicked. Dwalin growled in frustration and kicked the door. "Quit it! I can't hear with all that thumping!" Nori snapped. "I can't find it! It's not here! It's not here." Dwalin said. I looked and see the light quickly leaving, "break it down!!" I yelled. The dwarves ram into the door multiple times. "It's no use! The door is sealed, there is powerful magic on it." Balin said. "No!!" I yelled as the light fully disappeared. "The last light of Durin's day will shine upon the key hole! That's what it says!" I said turning to Balin. "What did we miss?" I asked. "We've lost the light, there's nothing we can do. We had but one chance." He said turning away. I looked at the key in my hand. I sighed and let it slip and fall to the ground. Suddenly Violet came in front of me and picked it up and tried to put it back in my hand. "no...Thorin you can't give up now!" She said. "There's nothing we can do..." I said turning away from her, I followed Bilbo out and glanced back to see Violet with fistfuls of hair thinking. "The last light...the last...light..." She said to herself. I watched her keenly...not wanting to leave her by herself. I turned my back to her, listening to her feet pace back and forth. I looked at the ground, I could feel the moon shine on me. "!!! ALL OF YOU!!! COME BACK!!!" I hear Violet yell. I turned and ran back up, she was smiling the keyhole!! "The light of the moon!! The last light!!" She squealed happily before running to me and placing the key in my hand. I looked at Violet, her expression wondrous looking at the keyhole, I then noticed the chunk of hair she took the braid out of and felt a pain in my heart remembering her undo her braid angrily. The rest of the dwarves piled closely as I took a deep breath and pushed the key inside, turning it. I placed my hands on the stone and pushed until it gave way into the shape of a door. The door opened to revile a tunnel into the mountain.


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