Chapter 40: Less of a man

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Violet PoV

I sat on the table while Thorin was down with Sameth. I watched as Oin bustled around trying to find the ointment that wouldn't cause sever burning. "Well lass," he said standing up with a skinny bottle in his hands was a small skinny blue vile. "This will cause a freezing sensation, though that's better than burning aye lass?" He asked. I grinned slightly and nodded. He applied the liquid inside the bottle and I shrieked at the sudden cold. "Danne worry lassie, it will fade." He said recorking the bottle and setting it aside before he wrapped my wound in bandages. "I wanna go find Thorin..." I said quietly. "No lass, he's dealing with business." He said. I frowned, " I am pretty sure the business he is dealing with is my business." I said sliding off my table. "He wouldn't want you down the-" "Violet!!!!" Oin was cut off by the voice of my brother. "Legolas?" I asked. cocking my head to the side. Suddenly two elves and dwarves ran into the infirmary. "Legolas!! Tauriel! Kili, Fili!" I said running and hugging my brother tightly, ignoring the pain in my shoulders. "I'm so glad your alright." He said into my hair. "Why are you here?? I thought you left?" I asked. "I was, however Tauriel caught me before I left and told me what was going on." He said. "Wait what?" I asked. "Violet, I'm your last closest relative." He said holding my face in his hands. My eyes widened. "I-I don't have to go with Sameth?!!" I asked. He smiled and shook his head. "No!! You don't!" He said. "You get to stay!!" Kili said smiling, I also noticed he was holding Tauriel's hand. I'm smiled before jumping up and hugging him tightly. "Come on, let's get to the dungeon before Thorin kills the man." I said as we all ran out of the infirmary.

We slid down various hallways, as well as down stairs. "Where are they??" Tauriel asked as we stopped. "They?" I asked. "Thranduil is here too." Legolas said. "He is?!" I asked. "Yeah, he was furious." Legolas said. "Oh mahal...they'll kill him!" I said worried. "Why would you care?" Kili asked. "Even though he's terrible...he's still my family! I can't just let him die." I said with a worried expression before taking off down the hall. I suddenly heard a manly scream. "No!" I whispered as j sprinted towards the cry of distress. As I neared the dungeon I saw armed dwarfish guards standing guard. "Let me through!" I said before I was caught by them. "No lass, Thorin said not to let you pass through." One of them said. "W-wha?! THORIN!!!" I yelled clawing at their armor trying to get through. "THORIN OAKENSHIELD YOU GET OUT OF HERE RIGHT NOW!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as I heard Sameth scream again. "Let the lass go!" I heard the burly voice of Dwalin yell. I turned around and suddenly was thrown over the shoulder of the dwarf. He charged through the soldiers and into the dungeon. He let me go and kept me behind him. We walked in, I stayed close, eager to get to Sameth before he was fatally hurt. Let a scream out of my mouth as I saw Sameth chained and bloodied, hanging from the stone wall. I looked and saw both Thorin and Thranduil's swords soaked in blood. "Stop! STOP!!!" I said running infront of them. "Violet?! What are you doing??" Thorin asked angrily. "You can't kill him! No matter how horrible he is he's still my family!!!" I yelled, tears falling down my cheek. "What are you talking about?! After all he's done to you?" Thranduil asked. "I-i know...b-but....just let him go! He has no reason for being here! Legolas is here so we don't need to worry about him!" I said. Thorin glared at me, "Violet, filth like him don't deserve to live." He said. "I know...but just Thorin, for me...don't hurt him. Let him go." I said walking towards Thorin. Calmly taking his sword from his hand. "Ya know lass, i guarantee ye that if you try, ya could be a very successful prostitute. Ye have the scars for it. And the face that no one likes but the body men want to bang and toss for a night." I heard Sameth slur behind me. My eyes narrowed. I turned my head and looked at the sad excuse for a man. "Excuse me?" I asked turning. I lifted Thorins sword, the tip pressed against his throat. "Did you just call me...a prostitute? And an butter face one at that?" I hissed. "Ye know I'm right the King of Erebor will ever want to fuck a broad who's virginities was taken by her own father, and made to be her families bitch?" He asked. I felt anger boil in my chest. "You know what..." I said, "their right...I was your last hope at a happy life..." I said. "My life is happy! I have whores home to plow." He said with a disgusting grin. I smirked. "Thorin, Thranduil, leave. You won't want to see this." I said. They looked at eachother and then to me, bother very confused...and concerned. "NOW!" I yelled. They backed up and took their leave. "Now, these "whores" you speak about...won't be very pleased when they meet you again." I said with a sadistic grin. "W-what are you talking about?" He asked as I inched closer. "Don't worry your ugly little head about it~" I said before I nailed the temple of his head with the butt of the sword. He groaned in pain before being knocked out cold. "When I'm done with you, you won't be getting any women for the rest of your days." I said.

Thorin POV

I sat in the dining room with Kili, Fili, and Dis. I couldn't say a word...the look on Violets face when she told Thranduil and I to leave, her face was angry and revengeful. I don't doubt why, it took every ounce of my strength not to strength not to strangle the bastard for calling my precious Violet a prostitute. It had been two hours since I saw her, needless to say I was worried. "Thorin!" My ears twitched as I turned towards the voice of said girl. I saw Violet walking towards me, she had a wet rag...scrubbing blood off her hands. "What did you do? Where is he?" I asked standing. "He's on his way back to Bree." She said with a grin. "What? You let him go?!" I asked grabbing her arms. "Trust me my love...his life won't be very happy when the drugs wear off." She said tossing the wet rag on the table. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well, what I did to him will most likely lose him all his "whores" hehe" she said. "I don't understand." I said looking at her confused. "Well, he's now eight inches less of a man." She said crossing her arms. I was confused for a moment...before I actually thought of her words. "For the love of Durin Violet...your brutal." I said with the smallest grin. For some reason I was proud, proud of her having revenge on the one who did her so much wrong. She smiled and suddenly pulled me down, pressing her lips to mine. I wrapped my arms around her delicate waist and pulled her closer. Before we could go any further a throat cleared behind us. She looked back, we sat Thranduil, and Legolas. "There is still the matter of where Violet will be going." Thranduil said. "W-what do you mean? Won't I be staying with Thorin?" Violet asked. My grip on her tightened. Thranduil grinned, "oh, I don't think so." He said. Her eyes widened, as did mine. "What?!?!?" Violet and I yelled. Thranduil shot us a defeating grin, while Legolas kept a straight face.

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