Chapter 33: This is our war

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Thorin POV

I dropped my sword to the ground after I saw Violet sprint out that door, along with Dwalin. I looked over my shoulder at where the Arkenstone...was destroyed. I started at the pillar, I could see hardly the shimmering remains of it. I turned away from it, my emotions had gone from undeniable wasn't sure. Though I knew it wasn't mad. I turned away and walked out of the other door that led to the great hall where we had tried to drown Smaug in gold. I walked slowly onto the solid gold floor. My head was spinning...and my stomach felt like ice. I began to hear voices in my head...of words those have told to me.

"You sit here...with a crown upon your are lesser now than you have ever been..." I heard Dwalins disappointed voice. It dragged my mind back to my own words, "...but a treasure such a this cannot be counted in lives lost..." I whispered.

"....a sickness lies upon that treasure..." I heard Balin say,

"...The blind ambition of a mountain King..." And Bard.

I heard Smaugs lowly voice.

"I will not part with a single coin..." I whispered. My gaze at the floor becoming blurry, the gold looked as though it where turning to liquid. I felt my head becoming lighter.

"He could not see beyond his own desire..." I heard Bard speak.

"As if I where some lowly dwarf..." I whispered to myself, my breath falling short. "...Oakenshield..." I whispered.

" A sickness that drove your grandfather mad..." Balins voice said.

"...Oakenshield..." I whispered.

"...This is Thorin, Son of Thrain, Son of Thror..." Dwalin's words spoke out.

"I am not my grandfather..." I whispered.

" are heir to the throne of Durin..." I heard Gandalf's voice speak.

Suddenly an gentle voice pierced my ears.

"...Thorin, you are a king...people look up to you...they follow you for guidance and leadership..." Violets voice spoke.

"They are dying out there..." Dwalins voice said.

"...take back...take Erebor..." Gandalf said.

"Dain is being surrounded!!!! They are being slaughtered!!!Violets pleading voice cried out.

"Take back your homeland..." Gandalf spoke.

Violets words echoed back into my head.

"...Dain is surrounded...their being slaughtered...THEIR BEING SLAUGHTERED!!!" Her voice sudden yelled angrily. I winced and covered my ears.

I suddenly realized this is what I did to Violet...whenever I yelled.

I flinched at my own voice of rage






And felt my heart crack at the scream of my beloved,

"STOP!!!!!! THIS ISNT YOU!!!!!" She screamed"

"This ours...and ours alone..." I heard myself say, I remember the concerned looks Violet and Bilbo had given me.

"'ve changed Thorin..." Bilbo said.

"...I am not my grandfather..." I whispered.

"is this treasure truly worth more than your honor..." Bilbo said.

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