Chapter 41: Useless arguing

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(((QUICK ANNOUNCMENT!!! So I'm nearing the end of the story, however I've decided instead of making one super insanely long chapter im going to make multiple short ones! ((10 or 11 pages average)) Ya know...more to look forward to right?? Anyways! I hope you are enjoying the story!!


Thorin POV

"You can't be serious!!!" I yelled. "Please Thranduil....please just let me stay with Thorin!" I heard Violet beg. "I'm sorry, but I cannot allow for you to stay with your intended while underage." Thranduil said. "W-we can sleep in different rooms!!!" She said clasping her hands together, practically begging him. "No. What I've said is final." He said looking down at her. "Please!!!!!" She screamed dropping her knees. I rushed and kneeled down behind her, one hand on her shoulder, the other on her back. "Violet calm down," I said. Trying to keep my head level. "N-no!!! How can I calm down?!??" She yelled standing and turning to me. "I-I've almost died multiple times on this journey!!! I killed my father and castrated my uncle!!! I finally found my brother though his father is an two faced asshole!! I shattered the heart of the mountain to pull you out of your insanity!! I almost was thrown from the mountain by your hands! I risked my life almost drowning and/or dying from blood loss!!! I did all of this just so that I could stay here, stay with you! And for once in my life, live a happy, worry free life with people I care about!!" She yelled. We all stayed quiet. "I MEAN COME ON! TAKE ME OUT OF THE OVEN, I AM SO DONE!" She yelled before stomping out of the room and outside. Sadness wasn't even present, she was only irritated and mad. I watched as her form grew farther and farther away before turning to Thranduil. "Thranduil, I must agree with Violet, don't you think it's time to let her, for once in her life, make her own decision?" I asked calmly. I knew at this point, yelling at him would not help. He looked down at me with a cold expression. "No. She is not of age to make her own decisions." She said. "Wait! Why are you in charge of her when your not even related?!?" I suddenly heard Kili behind me. My eyes widened before my eyes darted to Kili then Thranduil. "He's right! You have no rein over her!" I yelled. "Legolas does!!" Kili said. I growled frustrated. "This is my final word, Violet will be coming back to Mirkwood with me tomorrow and that is final. If you wish to argue again, come there." He said before shooting me a snarky grin and turning away. I bit my tongue from going after the Elf "Queen" once again. "Do you know where Violet is?" I asked looking at my nephew. "She stormed out of the mountain and down to the lake." He said. I sighed, "How long has it been since she's slept?" I asked. "I don't know..." He said. "She's so difficult to deal with when she's tired." I said rubbing my temples before making my way out of the mountain.

I walked down towards the lake, past Dale and a little ways on. It took me a while before I soon saw a small girl skipping rocks, ankle deep in the water. I watched her as I made my ways closer. I watched her throw a rock, only for it to sink without a single skip. "SON OF A BITCH!" She raged kicking the dirt around her before falling back and laying on the ground, her arm tossed over her eyes. I stopped and watched her for a moment before sighing and sitting down beside her. "Did you see that...?" She asked. I smirked and pushed her bangs back out of her face, "would it make you feel better if I said no?" I asked, trying to lighten the mood. She nodded, a small smile creasing on her lips. "Then no, I didn't." I said. She let out a small laugh and sat up, leaning her head against my shoulder. "So...Thranduil said that you have to go back to Mirkwood with him tomorrow." I said. "Okay." She said. No arguing, no fussing. "That...doesn't bother you?" I asked confused. "Of course it does...but what's the point of me fighting? I'm not going to win." She said. Her voice sounded neutral though I could hear the sadness behind her voice. "Don't think like that...even though you can't do anything, don't believe I will let you slip away so easily." I said turning and kissing her forehead. "I don't think that...the odds just don't seem too great." She said standing up, holding her hand out to me. I grabbed her small one with my own and pulled myself up. "It may seem this way now, but just give me time, I'll figure it out." I said. She gave me a small smile, "Alright, I trust you." She said looking up at me. "Come," I began, nothing the sun was beginning to set, then festival would be starting soon. "We must get back, you need to get ready for the festival." I said. "Okay!" She smiled. I watched her reach down and grab another rock, "lemmi just try this one more time." She said. I nodded. She walked back over and focused before throwing it, failing. "Damnit!!!" She cursed. I laughed and walked to her, while doing so, grabbing a flat rock off the ground. "Come here." I said. I stood behind her. Placing the rock on her hand, my hand over hers. "Like this." I said leading her through before throwing it, making it skip nine times. "H-how are you do good at everything?!?!" She she's wideyed. I smirked. "Don't know, I'm just amazing I suppose." I said with a smile. She only laughed and hugged my arm. "So, this Festival, how fancy is it?" She asked looking up at me. "Well...I have to look nice for it. "Does that mean I do too?" she asked. "You always look nice to me." I said. She grinned slightly, "though we will let Dis help you." I said. "Oh thank mahal I have no idea how to fancy." She said relieved. I laughed as we made our way back towards the mountain.

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