Chapter 28: I dont want to leave you

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Violet POV

I had finally controlled my breathing, Thorin was rubbing my back soothingly to help me keep my breathing steady. He had gotten control of his emotions, going back to the stone hard ass he is, not showing them. I let go and looked up at him. My eyes where sore and I know I must have looked like a mess. My hair was sticking to my face from tears and my nose was runny. Thorin looked down at me with one strong arm around my waist, and his strong hand petting the side of my hair, pulling it out of my face. "If you are to ever die, I hope I die before you...I never want to live a day without you by my side." He said pressing his forehead to mine. I didn't say anything...only looked at him. My eyes began to water again and I looked at the ground shaking my head. "Thorin, people look up to you...they follow you for guidance and leadership. Me...I'm not even worth an eighth of what you are. I have no mother to run to when I'm crying and scared. I have no father to protect me and teach me how to grow, learn, and take care of myself. I'm not aloud to see my only brother...and the one man I wish I could look up to hates me." I said. "Thranduil..." He said lowly. "Yes...look you and I have grown up with very different lives. You and I have different relationships with look at him as an enemy. I look at him as my only hope for...a parent. I hope you'll be willing to let that be what it is for me." I said. "I am." He said. I sighed and pulled myself close to him again. The feeling of his muscular yet soft chest was comforting to me. His warmth was calming. Thorin petted my hair and held my lower back to him. I could hear his beautiful humming musing softly in my ear. He'd hummed this song to be before...I remember it perfectly...although it was so long ago.

*flashback* *two weeks into the journey*

Violet PoV

I dried off my body after getting out of the cold lake. We had finally gotten a spot where we could all bath. Thankfully Thorin made sure I got a turn by myself being the only female in the company...though I knew some of them where standing by making sure I was safe. Being completely unarmed, alone, and naked concerned them.

I redressed myself, I pulled on a small tanktop and realized I left my sweater in camp. I pulled on a skirt I had that was clean until the clothes I washed dried. I pulled on my socks and boots before going back to camp. As I entered everyone looked at me. "Wh-what?" I stuttered freezing in my place. All the more mature dwarves went back to minding their own buisness. I looked down and realized this tanktop had shrunken...leaving half my stomach exposed. "Huh, cute and a lovely body~" Kili joked. I felt my face go beat red. "Sh-shut up!" I squeaked trying to find my bag. "Awe~ look at her cute thighs!" Fili joked. I froze and covered my face to hide the blush. "Awe~she's so cu-" Kili was cut off with a loud smack. I looked up and saw Thorin had walked past him, smacking him hard on the head. In his hand was my sweater. "Your bag is over by Bombur. I assume you where looking for this?" He said handing it out to me. I took it and quickly pulled it on. "T-thank y-you..." I squeaked. "Are you stuttering because your cold or because your embarrassed?" He asked. I blushed and said nothing. "Ah, so both." He said before patting my head. "Don't worry lass, a woman's body isn't anything any of us haven't seen before...except Kili." He said. I giggled and covered my mouth. "What?!?!?" Kili yelled. Fili burst out laughing, "you know it's true brother." He laughed smoking his pipe. "Lass! Come here we have yer dinner." Bofur said. I grinned and jogged over before sitting down, criss cross on a rock. Bofur handed me the bowl of rabbit stew and I smiled. "Thank you" I said happily. I set it aside so it could cool while I braided my hair, I groaned noticing I didn't have any ties with me. "Uh, do any of you have something I can tie this off with?" I asked. Fili then tossed me a bead, "I don't know how to put these in..." I said quietly. I had only used ties to make it easy and fast. "Come here." Dwalin said gruffly. I went and sat in front of the large warrior dwarf. I felt him undo my braid, "your terribly at braiding your hair, practice." He said while rebranding it and putting in the bead. I pulled the braid to hang over my shoulder and stood. "Thank you Mr. Dwalin....I'll practice." I said. Everyone was grinning, "piss off the lot of you. I was helping her, nothing more." Dwalin said. I grinned, slightly confused but dismissed it as I ate my dinner. They began telling stories from their home, mostly Bofur, which was fine with me. Very funny dwarf. I smiled listening to him speak about a time when he had to babysit a neighbor of his in the blue mountains daughters. Obvious it was his first time dealing with two young girls. I finished my meal and gave the bowl back to Bombur then went to get my jacket. I pulled it on and looked over my shoulder at Thorin who was sitting atop a large flat rock with a rock sitting upright next to it, it was like a chair. He was leaning against it peacefully, smoking his pipe. "Hello..." I said quietly as i climbed up. "Hello, why aren't you by the fire?" He asked looking at me. " to hot..." I said. "Can I sit with you?" I asked. He nodded and scooted over for me. I sat beside him and sighed. "Do you still smoke?" He asked. "Uh, sometimes...but I don't have my pipe..." I said. "Why?" He asked. "I lost it." I grumbled. I heard a light chuckle come out of him before he pulled a smaller pipe out of his was mine!!! "Hey! Where'd you get that?!" I asked reaching to grab it but he pulled it out of my reach smiling. I had my hand on his abs and my knee on his thigh trying to reach for it. "Come oooonnn!!!" I said with a slight smile. "I saw you drop it a few days ago, I grabbed it and decided to see how long it took you to realize it was gone." He said. "Your a cruel dwarf Thorin Oakenshield!" I said still reaching. He let out a laugh and and handed it to me. I moved back. "I am no such thing" he said with a grinned as he filled my pipe. "Thank you," I said. "But if I hid your pipe you'd kick me out of the company!" I said. "Well, that's my pipe." He said. I rolled my eyes and lit my pipe before Inhaling the smoke. I leaned back against the stone and blew out smoke that corkscrewed itself. "How did you do that?" He asked. "Um, before you blow out the smoke twist your tongue." I said. He did as so and made a tiny corkscrew before coughing. "Yeah it has to come out slowly or it won't do it." I said. He nodded. I looked up at the large crescent moon shining in the sky. "It's so beautiful..." I said quietly. "What is?" Thorin asked. I looked at him, he was looking at his map again. I sighed. I got on my knees and grabbed his chin gently and lifted his line of sight to the sky. His eyes scanned the sky, shocked. " beautiful." He said quietly. "Don't you ever just look at the sky?" I asked quietly. "No, not really." He said before looking at me. "Why do you just look at the sky?" He asked. "Well...I don't know..." I said looking back. "Have you heard of the man in the moon?" I asked. He nodded, "I believe I have." He said. "Well...when I was younger I didn't have very many friends, none...actually. So at night I talk to the man in the moon." I said quietly. Thorin said nothing in response. I looked away from the sky and pulled my knees to my chest. I hid my face in my knees. 'I shouldn't have told him that...' I thought. Suddenly a thick arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me to his side. I was terrified and shocked at the same time. "Well your not alone any more." Thorin said calmly. I looked up at him, my hand rested lightly on his chest. "We can talk to the moon together." He said grinning down at me. I smiled shyly and laid closely to him. I rested my head in the crook of his arm. I suddenly heard him humming softly, his deep voice make his hum rumble like thunder. It was relaxing...I closed my eyes and rested against him, his arm was draped over my head giving me his fur coat to rest on. I was easily able to fall asleep in the comfort of his presence, it was the first time I'd been so close to a man without fear.

((((The picture at the beginning...use your pretty little imaginations and pretend It's Violet instead of Bilbo<3))))

*flashback end*

Violet PoV

I rested my head against his chest...if Thranduil takes my life...I can never have moments like that again. I would never head Thorin's beautiful voice. I felt tears fall down my cheek, 'I've made a horrible mistake...I need to fix it...I need to tell Thranduil...' I thought. "I don't want to leave you..." I whispered quietly. Thorin's hand rubbed my back. "I will never let that happen..." He said as his humming stopped slowly before he looked at me and spoke.
"I do have a question though..." He said. "Y-yes?" I asked wiping my eyes. "How did you tell Thranduil this?" He asked. I froze, "um...that...really doesn't matter does it?" I squeaked. "Yes. It does." He deadpinned. I panicked, "l-look Thorin I sort of feel like I'm going to faint and throw up so...can we talk about it later?" I asked backing up. "I am going to allow this answer to be delayed once. Next time I ask you, you are telling me." He said sternly. "F-fully understood." I said. "Come, let's get back." He said leading me by my hand. "What about my armor?" I asked looking back at it. "We will pick it up later. Come on." He said as we rounded the corner. "Alright." I said following him.

The quiet one (Thorin Oakenshield love story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon