Chapter 22

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Finally, it was Friday

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Finally, it was Friday. I was done with dinner and dealing with my family for the night. The guys left to hang out at the diner and my parents went to the local bar for drinks with friends. I hoped to god that they would stay out late. I got a shower and changed into a white t-shirt and a pair of ripped blue jeans, that I did not buy that way but they looked good. You can thank Brooks for the reason why they're ripped. I threw on my boots and left my hair down. I was surprised, I wasn't nervous at all. I think it was because I got to spend my whole night with Alexander and for some odd reason every time he was around I felt safe.

The pinks from the sunset were finally replaced by darkness and the moon. Which meant Alexander would be coming soon. He never told me a time but I felt like it would be late especially if I had to sneak out. Then I heard it but I prayed it wasn't. I looked out my bedroom window and there it was Daxton's truck. They all climbed out and head towards the front door. I ran over to my light shift and turned off my light. Hopefully, they would think I was sleeping. But the way the night was going probably not.

I laid on my bed and waited. The boys came up and went to their rooms just like I thought they would. I finally checked the time on my phone 10:47. He should be here by now I told myself. Maybe he's not coming. He probably blew me off. I gave him what we wanted and now he doesn't want me anymore. I shook my head trying to get rid of my thoughts. None of that could be true, right? Then I felt the wind come through my window. I sat up and turned around. "What the f..." I hand was thrown over my mouth.

"Shh." Alexander put a finger over his mouth. I grabbed his hand that was over my mouth and pushed it away.

"You scared the hell out of me," I whisper yelled at him.

"I wasn't trying to. I didn't want your brothers to know I'm here. They're crazy."

"Tell me about it."

"So did you miss me?" He said with a smirk. I stood up.

"No," I said stopping myself from pulling him closer to me and kissing him. He faked a sad look. I turned my back and walked over to my door. "Yes, of course, I missed you. Now if we stay quiet we won't get caught."

"Why don't we just go out the window?" He stood next to me. I gave him a confused look.

"Yeah, I'll just jump out the second-floor window."

"Why I do it all the time."

"Well, I don't. Can we go now?" He laughed showing off his perfect white teeth.

"A little eager much?"

"I want to go before my parents come home." We walked out of my room and I shut the door quietly.

As we walked down the steps they creaked. I hoped none of my brothers noticed and if they did they would think that it was just our parents coming home. We made it down the steps and to the front door. Alexander put his hand on my waist as I opened the door. Then the kitchen light turned on. A pit formed in my stomach as I looked over. Alexander's hand left my waist. "Do we run?" He whispered.

"I wouldn't," Daxton said with his back turned to us.

"He's leaving," I said opening the door the rest of the way.

Daxton turned around with an apple in one hand and a soda in the other. "Don't lie." He bit into the apple. "Where are you guys going?" He asked staring at Alexander.

I let go of the door and it slammed shut. "I said he was leaving."

Daxton pointed at me. "I didn't ask you. I also wouldn't recommend slamming the door. You don't want Tucker and Brooks getting up too, don't you?" I folded my arms over my chest. Daxton gave me a smile then looked back at Alexander. Who's face looked flustered. "So where are y'all going?" Daxton took another bite of the apple.

Alexander looked down at me then back at Daxton. "We're gonna go hang out."


"A friend's house."

"Who's this friend?" I watched Alexander open his mouth then close it.

"We're going to a party." I blurted out. Daxton nodded his head and walked over to the trash can on the other side of the kitchen. Alexander looked at me with a face of 'why would you say that?' I shrugged my shoulders. After Daxton threw the core of his apple away he leaned back on the counter and took a swing of his soda.

"So you," he pointed to Alexander, "broke into my house to get my little sister and take her to a party?" Alexander nodded his head. Daxton then pointed to me. "And you want to go to a party?"

"Yes," I said barely above a whisper.

Daxton rubbed his eyes then folded his arms. "Go."

I didn't believe what he said. "What?"

"Go to the party before I change my mind."

"Thank you," Alexander said before grabbing my hand and turning to the door. I looked at Daxton in disbelief. Only a couple days ago he was yelling at me for being with Alexander now he's letting me go to a party with him. I let go of Alexander's hand. "Come on." He was halfway out the door.

"Wait let me talk to him."

"Well, I'm going to the car. Don't belong." The door shut as he walked out on the porch.

Daxton was already at the foot of the steps. "Why are you letting me go?" I asked him.

He stopped from going up the stairs. "I can't stop you from living your life forever."

I ran up to him and hugged him. "Thank you. I'm sorry."

He hugged me back. "I'm sorry too. Now go before he leaves without you." I him go and ran out the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2020 ⏰

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