Chapter 20

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I purposely woke up late this morning

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I purposely woke up late this morning. Which gave me less of a chance to bump into Daxton while getting ready. I gave myself enough time to get dressed and clothed before having to leave. After last night's fight with Daxton the last thing I wanted to do is go to school. But I had already missed so many days so I had no choice but to go. "Brynn we're gonna be late!" Tucker yelled from downstairs. I grabbed my backpack from the floor and headed to the kitchen.

"Finally." Brooks sighed when I made an appearance in the kitchen. I sent him a glare. I didn't really want to deal with his smart ass right now. I grabbed a piece of toast from the tale. I know if I didn't eat something I would regret it in the first period. Daxton kept his head down and drank his coffee when I walked pasted him thankfully. I didn't want to deal with that ether. I was surprisingly the first one out the door.

On my way to Tucker's truck, I yelled for him and Brooks. "Let's go. I thought we were gonna be late." I heard the screen door slam and shuffling of feet behind me. We all climbed in the truck. When Tucker started it rock music blared through the speakers. I covered my ears and yelled. "What the hell? Turn it off." Tucker turned it down to a reasonable level.

"Turn it back up. I liked that song." Brooks whined. Honestly, all my brothers were pissing me off and I wanted out from the tiny cab of the truck.

I didn't notice we drove past Chris's house without picking him up till we were a couple of roads away from school "Wait why didn't we get Chris?" Brooks laughed under his breath.

"You know we pasted his house like forever ago."

"Yes, Brooks I noticed. Now shut your trap."

"He got his beater working," Tucker answered my question.

"Oh." I honestly kind of missed his flirting. Some days when I was mad at the whole world, like today, it would cheer me up a bit.

We pulled into the parking spot we always parked in. Sure enough, I saw Chris's beat-up truck, that honesty should just be in the junkyard, in the parking spot next to us. Walking into school felt like freshman year. Not being there in a while made it seem like it was my first time being there. People looked at us. The Lawson kids another one bit the dust was probably going through their heads. I put my head down and walked to my locker.

I got through the first and second period successfully. Which meant no one came up to talk to me about Grant. I only had to suffer through every one staring at me. Small towns suck in that case. Alexander wasn't lying when he said he wasn't coming back to school. He never showed up late in math and never kidnapped me. I honestly hoped he was coming to school. He would have intimidated people so they wouldn't stare. I sat down at the lunch table with the rest of the guys. I wasn't hungry but still got a tray because one of the guys would eat it. I looked around and noticed that Mason didn't show up once today. "Where's Mason?" I asked cutting Chris off from saying something stupid probably.

"Oh..." Tucker started.

"He left." Chris finished for him. I pushed my tray away from me.

"What do you mean he left?"

"Brynn, he ran away to Virginia," Brooks answered.

"What do you mean he ran away to Virginia?" I was confused and truly didn't want to believe what they were saying. They all looked at me with apologetic looks. I put my head down and stared at the lunch table. A lot really changed in a span of a couple of weeks.

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