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So I know I haven't updated in a while and I have no excuses

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So I know I haven't updated in a while and I have no excuses. I just don't know what to write next. I think I'm going to take a break and not write all of February. At that time I want to write chapters and have them ready to be posted. After February I will still only be updating this book on Saturdays. I'm sorry to anyone who wants me to update more but that's all I can do for now. If you like my writing I have some other stories that are completed.

Summary: Cole has moved with his mother to three different houses in the past year

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Summary: Cole has moved with his mother to three different houses in the past year. His mother tells him the third house is the last one. Cole hopes it is. As Cole lives there he gets to know his new neighbors, Bryce and Quinn brother, and sister. Cole takes a liking to Quinn, the bad girl of his school and doesn't have a great reputation of good relationships. Cole becomes the new quarterback of his school. That doesn't help with trying to get with Quinn. Apparently she and other football player had a history that wasn't too good. Now Quinn just stays away from every football player. Cole fights his hardest to get with Quinn but she fights back not wanting to be with him that is until one night...

If you like Shameless.

Summary: Hannah Milkovich lives a life of trouble, fun, and pain with her older brother Mickey and her childhood best friend Ian Gallagher

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Summary: Hannah Milkovich lives a life of trouble, fun, and pain with her older brother Mickey and her childhood best friend Ian Gallagher. Being a Milkovich she has to live up to her father's standards, her older bother bullies, and deal with all the pain that's been passed through the family. Thinking her life couldn't get any worst she gets diagnosed with depression. Hannah isn't the only one who has to fight her illness Mickey and Ian help as much as they can. The three all deal with their pain in their own ways. Each way hurts the others. Mickey turns to drinking, Ian turns to cheating, Hannah turns to lust. Find out what happens to them while they ride the south side roller coaster.

 Find out what happens to them while they ride the south side roller coaster

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Summary: The south side roller coaster is back. Hannah, Mickey, and Ian have been living a good life since the last time they had a bump in their road. Hannah and Carl have had a happy relationship, doing everything together, and Hannah always remembering to say I love you. Carl never lets her forget. Life was happy and good until Hannah and Carl made a huge mistake. A mistake that messed up everyone's lives but made them realize there is still good in the world. Mickey also has bad news. News Hannah and Mickey thought they'd never have to deal with again. The bad news also affects Ian, making him rethink his and Mickey's relationship. Find out what happens with Hannah and Carl's mistake and Mickey's bad news. Make sure the check out The Pain Of A Milkovich before reading.

Still an up and running oneshot book.

Summary: The Pain Of A Milkovich series isn't done quite yet

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Summary: The Pain Of A Milkovich series isn't done quite yet. Zegan has to have his turn on the south side roller coaster. These will just be oneshots showing different things in Hannah, Carl, Mickey, Ian, and Zegan's lives. Watch Zegan grow up with his big crazy family. Make sure to check out The Pain Of A Milkovich and The Pain Of A Milkovich Part Two before reading.

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