Chapter 9

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I stood in front of my closet trying to figure out what to wear for Alexander and I's date

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I stood in front of my closet trying to figure out what to wear for Alexander and I's date. I really hope it goes well and nothing bad happens. I thought about him maybe being a gang member. He had to leave it to more here, right? I finally found something decent to wear. A gray v- neck t-shirt, dark blue jeans, a dark blue flannel, and my brown boots I wear every day. I never really dressed up for anything. Going on a date with the bad boy wouldn't change that. I quickly changed. After I finished changing my phone went off. I picked it up off my messy desk and looked at it.

 I picked it up off my messy desk and looked at it

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I could tell who it was by the stupid nickname. I texted him back, wondering how he got my number.

I rolled my eyes and put my phone back on my desk, not bothering to text Alexander back

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I rolled my eyes and put my phone back on my desk, not bothering to text Alexander back. I was gonna kill Chris next time I saw him. There was a light knock on my door. "Come in." I walked back to my mirror that sat on my dresser. Daxton walked in. He still wasn't thrilled with the idea of me going out with Alexander. "What's up?" I wanted to know what he was thinking before he took it out on Alexander when he shows up. I let my hair out of the ponytail and started to brush it. Daxton took the brush from me and stood behind me brushing my hair. He does this all the time. He used to it a lot when we were little.

"I this don't think you should go."

"I'm going. You're not my dad. You can't tell me what and not what to do." I crossed my arms over my chest. I saw Daxton's face go serious in the mirror. You could tell right then he was Grant's little brother.

"It doesn't matter, I'm still your older brother. It's my job to look out for ya." He got all the knots out of my hair and handed me the brush back. He even made sure the part of my hair was where I liked it when it was down. He walked over to my desk and picked up my small black pocket knife. He handed it to me. I looked down at it.

"I don't need it."

"It's either this or me going with you." I took the knife from him and slipped it in my back jean pocket. We both heard a knock on the front screen door. Alexander was here. "I won't even talk to him."

"Thank you." I gave him a hug. He kissed the top of my head. I walked out of my room.

"Be safe." He yelled as I walked down the stairs.

"I will," I yelled back up to him. My daddy knew I was going on a date but he was going to Tulsa with mama. Tulsa was the closest big city to us. My parents go there regularly for businesses with the ranch. Daddy left my brothers on boy watch. Tucker and Brooks were already interrogating Alexander before I was down the steps. "Leave him alone." My brothers looked at me.

"You're one lucky dude she's wearing her church jeans." Brooks laughed. Tucker and Brooks were more laid back then Daxton was. Alexander's eyes traveled my body making me feel a little weird. I gave Tucker and Brooks both a hug. I pointed towards both of them.

"Don't bother Daxton too much and stay out of trouble." I walked out the door with Alexander.

"You always tell them what to do when your parents aren't home?"

"If I don't the house will be burned down." I smiled up at Alexander.

Brynn and I walked to my motorcycle from her house

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Brynn and I walked to my motorcycle from her house. She didn't dress up, I didn't either. But something about her made her look extra pretty tonight. It was probably the first time I ever saw her with her hair down. The blonde reddish wavy locks ran down hair back. "You look very pretty."

"Thanks." She tried to hide the blush forming on her cheeks. I picked my helmet off the seat of my motorcycle and handed it to her. She took it from me. "What are you gonna wear?"

"I'll be fine." I got on my bike.

"You gonna tell me where we're going before I get on?"


"I swear you have an obsession with kidnapping me." She put the helmet on and got on behind me. She held on to my sides. I knew holding onto my sides wasn't enough. I grabbed her small hands and wrapped them around my middle. She surprisingly held on tighter. I smiled and drove down her driveway to the road.

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