Chapter 21

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Hello guys I am not dead

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Hello guys I am not dead. I'm so sorry that haven't updated in forever. I've had a lot of crazy family stuff going on. Some good and some bad. I also have taken on a full time job for the rest of summer so I may not have a lot of time to write. This chapter is short but I promise the next few chapters ahead things will get more interesting. Thank you for sticking along. Alright back to our regular program.

I followed Tucker and Brooks to the front door

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

I followed Tucker and Brooks to the front door. School was tiring and annoying. All I wanted to do was lay in my bed and forget about the rest of the world. I didn't notice Daxton was sitting in one of the old rocking chairs on the porch till I was walking up the steps. I kept my head down hoping he wouldn't talk to me. Tucker and Brooks walked through the door with no problem but when it was my turn Daxton put his foot out in front of me. If I wasn't looking at the ground I probably would have tripped and face planted. "Sit," Daxton said gesturing to other rocking chair next to him. I didn't want to but he didn't move his foot so I probably wouldn't have any chance of escaping. I did what he said and put my backpack next to my feet. "How was school?" Out of all of the questions, he could have asked me why that one?

"Fine." I lied.

"You don't have to lie. I know he left."

I looked over at him with a clear face of rage. "So you're telling me all my brothers knew that one of my best friends just up and left and didn't think to tell me."

He spun his pocket knife around his finger trying to find something to say. "We never had a good time to tell you. Plus we thought he would tell you." He was right Mason should have told me he was leaving but that didn't stop me from being mad at Daxton.

"The past two weeks have been some of the worst days I've ever had but somehow every time you open your mouth it seems to get worse." With that, I picked up my bag and stormed into the house.

I didn't need Daxton's sad apology that would end with us hugging. I didn't need Mason to take me on a four-wheeler ride to make me feel better. I didn't need Tucker to make stupid jokes so I would smile. I didn't need Chris to flirt with me to make me turn red. I didn't need Brooks to say a smart ass comment that would make laugh. I didn't need Alexander to kiss me so the butterflies in my stomach flutter. Well, I told myself I didn't need all those things but the truth is I needed all of them.

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