Chapter 10

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Since Christmas fell on Wednesday, one of my updating days, I didn't have time to put a chapter up

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Since Christmas fell on Wednesday, one of my updating days, I didn't have time to put a chapter up. To make up for it I will put two chapters up today. Merry late Christmas!

Alexander drove down a road I never knew existed

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Alexander drove down a road I never knew existed. I have never been on a motorcycle before but I have been on Mason's dirt bike which is almost the same thing. Alexander pulled up to a pond. The moonlight shined on it perfectly. The water reflected the willow trees that were around the pound. I got off Alexander's motorcycle and took off the helmet. Alexander put the kickstand down and got off. "It's pretty isn't it?"

"Yeah, it is."

"I found it the first night I got here." He took my hand and we walked over to the pond. We sat down at the edge of the water.

"Gotta watch for gators." I kept my feet away from the water. Alexander quickly pulled his feet away from the water. I laughed.

"How was I supposed to know?"

"You're in Oklahoma. You got to know somewhat about the animals that live here."

"Sorry I never really paid any attention in any classes." I laughed, he laughed too.

"Why did you move here?" He looked out at the water. The moonlight shining up his stormy gray eyes.

"My little brother was killed." He said it so quietly I was surprised I even heard him. "He fallowed me to a gang fight. I told him not to but he listened as well as I do. I didn't even know he was there till I saw him on the ground taking his last breath. My mom told me it was my fault. It always feels like my fault. She sent me down here to live my aunt because she couldn't stand to look at me." I hardly even knew Alexander but I wanted to cry for him. This just happened to him, he was just getting over his brother's death. But it does answer my question of if he was in a gang or not.

"I'm sorry but know it's not your fault." I looked at him. He still stared out at the water. "I had a little sister." I looked out at the water. "She was two years younger than me and Brooks. She was 7. She got really sick. The doctor told us it was cancer and it was taking over her body fast. A week later she was gone." My situation was different from Alexander's. I've had time to deal with the loss of my baby sister. Alexander was thrown out of his house and he lost his brother. He sat closer to me and wrapped his arm around my back and waist. I laid my head on his shoulder. His touch made my body warm-up.

"His name was Clay. He was 12."


"What was she like?" I smiled remembering her.

"Everything was light pink. She made me put on dresses. She'd put makeup on me and did my hair. She would try to get me to wear high heels. I persuaded her one day that boots are the same thing as heels."

"Sounds like she was amazing."

"She was. I taught her how to punch one day because she said a boy at school was bothering her. She punched him the next day. She was so proud of herself, she ran to the barn to tell me with the biggest smile on her face."

"My brother wanted to be me. Everything I did he did. I wasn't surprised when he eavesdropped on my dad telling me that I was part of the gang. He didn't stop talking and asking me about it. He would sit on my bike and act like he was driving it."

"That's cute but I don't know how I'd feel about having another one of you around."

"That's what my mom said." There was more to Alexander then the bad boy act he kept up. I looked up to see him staring at me.


"You're like really pretty." I couldn't help but blush. He ran his thumb under my chin. I looked from his eyes to his lips back to his eyes. He leaned down and closed the gap between us. I let myself melt into the kiss. He tasted like cigarette smoke and sugar. He pulled me onto his lap. He ran his tongue over my lips parting them. I let him in and our tongues danced together. My fingers ran through the back of his hair. I moaned and he smirked against my lips. His hand traveled to my side. His cold fingers went under my shirt and touched my warm skin. I grabbed his hand and pulled away.

"Take me home? It's getting late." I stood up brushing off my legs.

"Yeah." He stood up next to me. We didn't look at each other as we walked back to his motorcycle. We got on and he drove back to my house.

We pulled up to my house. I got off and so did Alexander. He walked me up to my front door. All the lights were off in the house, showing that my brothers were asleep. My parents were spending the night in Tulsa. "Thank you for the amazing night." We reached my front door.

"Thank you for going." He leaned down and kissed me. The kiss was short and sweet but a good way to end the night.

"Bye." He walked off the porch.

"Bye." I opened my front door and walked in. I shut the door and leaned on the back of it. My phone went off. I got it from my back pocket.

 I got it from my back pocket

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