"I still can't believe I'm out getting drinks with you." My mom laughed, shaking her head.

"Me neither, trust me." I chuckled back, leaning over the table to take a better look at the menu while we waited for the drinks.

"Everything's taken care of for next semester, right?" She asked after a minute, and I nodded my head.

"Dorm is picked, and I'm enrolled in all the same classes I was going to take this semester." I told her, flipping the page in the menu to find out what sandwiches they had.

"How are you feeling about it?" I could tell there were layers to the question, but I gave her a shallow answer.

"Good. I'm just ready to get back to school." I said. She smiled at me and went back to deciding her dinner, me doing the same.

When the waitress came back over we placed our orders, getting our drinks shortly after. My mom only got one since she drove us here, but I went through two margaritas before we even got our food. I ordered a third when she came back to bring our plates, and my mom and I continued chatting as we ate.

"What did you want to do for your birthday?" She changed the subject away from how her day at work was, and I had to actually think for a second.

"Honestly, going out and getting drinks with you is enough. I'm only turning 22, it's not that serious." I laughed, but once I realized what I just said I froze. I was turning 22.

"Only 22, huh?" She chuckled, probably feeling old herself.

"I'm bothered now, thank you." I said sarcastically, taking a bite of the burger I got right after.

"How do you think I feel? I'm about to have a 22-year-old." She laughed.

I spent the rest of dinner thinking about how fast my life started going by, and it honestly made me upset. It felt like just yesterday I was starting college, and if I hadn't taken the semester off I would be half way through senior year right now. I was excited to go back, but I knew it meant inevitably running into Luke.

I couldn't avoid him for the rest of college, since it was unrealistic to think the next two semesters wouldn't involve sightings at the dining hall or in the dorms. I just hoped that it didn't kill me like I feared it would, and that hopefully I was more prepared than I thought I was. Five months should be enough time to get over someone, and the fact that it wasn't for me was pissing me off more than anything.

We got back home at 10, and my mom went right to bed since she still had to work tomorrow since it was going to be Friday. I went right to bed too, though, since I didn't have the energy to stay up and be a crackhead after pretty much arguing on the phone all afternoon. In the morning I just stayed in bed until my mom got home, and when I finally got around to packing a bag I was running well behind schedule. I told them I'd be there by 6, and it was 6 when I actually left so I had Mike texting me.


You're still coming right??


Yeah I'm leaving right now I wanted to wait until my mom got home


Okay I'll see you soon

I plugged my phone into the AUX in my car and drove off, arriving on campus right at 7 since there was a bit of traffic. I had Sophie meet me in the lobby to sign me in, and we walked up to Mike and Ash's dorm together like we did the last few times I came to visit. They wanted to go to a party tonight, so the second I got in I had to actually put makeup on and get ready.

Toxic -  Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now