Chapter 34

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Izzy's POV

Luke sneaking around the hotel room at 2 in the afternoon was what woke me up. I rolled over toward the wall, not wanting to look at the bright light pouring in through the windows. I could tell that I wasn't hungover, but I was definitely not a happy camper. I only had a minor headache, which I'd take over a full-blown hangover any day.

"I'm sorry, I was trying to be quiet." Luke chuckled, sitting down on the edge of the bed in front of me.

"It's okay." I said, muffled from my face being smooshed into the pillow. I felt his weight on the bed disappear and looked up with one eye to see him go into the bathroom.

I sat up and ran my hands through my hair, realizing that it was a tangled mess. A shower was the only thing that was going to make me wake up, so I picked out an outfit for the day and gathered what I needed to take a quick one. Right on time, Luke walked back out. He was only wearing his boxers still, but he jumbled his clothes from last night into a ball and leaned in to give me a small kiss before going back into the room everyone else slept in.

He didn't care what they thought about him leaving my room in just boxers, but that didn't make it easier for me to not feel embarrassed. I wouldn't even say embarrassed was the right word, more like slightly uncomfortable. I didn't really want my sex life flashed in front of anyone, even if it was only our closest friends.

I just went into the bathroom and jumped in the shower, ignoring that train of thought so I could hurry up and get out there. I probably fell asleep later than all of them, so god only knows how long Luke had been awake before I finally came to. Once I was dried off and my hair was combed out, I threw on black leggings and a fitted long sleeve black top. When I got back to my bag I slipped on the only jean jacket I owned and went to find everyone.

We spent the day out on the town, walking around and sightseeing for most of it, only taking a break to get food. Instead of going to another club, we decided on going bar crawling all night. I still hadn't been to a bar before, so they wanted me to get the full experience. It was honestly a fun time, probably more so than the club last night. I felt like a club just wasn't really my scene, even though I did enjoy it. The bars just seemed more my speed.

It wasn't until Friday that we actually changed it up and did something different. I hadn't really touched the $2500 from Christmas yet, so I spit out an idea to go to a fancy restaurant. Everyone jumped on board immediately, though, so we did some googling and found an Asian-fusion place a couple blocks away. The place had five dollar signs next to it online, so we already knew we would be getting a hefty bill after dinner.

Luke picked out a dress when we went shopping that I figured I'd try. It was simple, just a short black dress with long sleeves. It was especially cold tonight, so the fact that it was a turtle neck would at least give me the illusion of being warm. I put on some nude heels to go with it, buckling the thin ankle straps so they were secure before even thinking about walking.

I threw my hair in a messy bun like I usually did when I didn't know what to do with it and met up with the guys in their room. Sophie had already finished getting ready and was sat on Ashton's lap when I walked in. Before I could even say anything, Luke was already wrapping me up in a hug. I brought my arms around his neck, pecking his lips before pulling away.

"Good to go?" Calum stood from the couch, asking as he made his way to the door.

"Yeah, let's go." Luke pulled me with him as he followed Calum out of the room.

I saw Michael eyeing our hands together as we walked by where he sat, and when he noticed me looking he turned the other way. I frowned, even though he couldn't see it. I didn't know what was up with him since we left for this trip, but he'd been acting off since the night before my birthday. I never got the chance to talk to him again one on one after he came to talk to me at the first hotel, but I knew something was wrong.

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