Chapter 46

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Izzy's POV

Things were back to the way they were before the trip over vacation. The last few weeks were filled with parties, group lunches, and Luke and I being inseparable. Callie grilled us in chemistry now that he sat with me every day, but we were just glad it was back to being just the six of us. The guys were all excited to see us back together, and even Mike accepted it. He stopped by to talk about everything when he found out, and we discussed it over Fortnite. He settled for me being happy, regardless of who I was with.

The semester was a little over half way finished, and we were already looking forward to May so we could have a whole summer. The only downside was Calum having to go back home for most of it. My classes were starting to get challenging, though, so I had to start cutting back on going out so I could finish the copious amount of homework.

The fact that junior year was almost over had my mind blown. I felt like it was just yesterday that I was a junior in high school looking at colleges, and here I was almost done with it. I had met with an academic advisor last week to talk about medical schools, and he seemed pretty confident that I could get in almost anywhere I applied. I figured I'd stay around the area, though, just because I was comfortable here.

When I told Luke about that meeting, he was beyond proud. He brags that his girlfriend is getting into Stanford every chance he gets, and that's exactly what he was doing right now. We came to Brett's house again for spring break so we didn't have to stay on campus, and Lorenzo came over to talk to them about something they had going on. They finished their deliberations, but he decided to stick around for a little while and have a few beers.

"She's being all humble about it, but the guy literally told her she can get in where ever she wants." Luke was talking Lorenzo's ear off about me while I sat right next to him. He was eating it up, though.

"He said almost anywhere." I defended, wanting to remain humble.

"Harvard sent you an email yesterday." He said, giving me a look as if to say not to test him. I just took another sip of my beer and let him have this proud moment.

"Are you shittin me?" Lorenzo said, grilling me while I sat there awkwardly.

"It was just a decency email. Like 'hey apply here'." I said.

"I love you so much." Luke stood up and hugged me from behind, shaking me like he was about to rip my head off. "But they literally offered you a scholarship." He said with no remorse for calling my bluff.

"I'll make you a deal right now, you get into Harvard and I'll pay all the outta pocket expenses." Lorenzo raised his beer bottle toward me, looking for us to cheer to that. But my eyes just went wide.

"I can't accept that Enzo, they want to offer me a lot of money anyway. It shouldn't be that bad if I work this sum-"

"Shut up and take the deal, hun." He said, nudging his bottle toward me again. I just smiled at him, clanking my beer to his in agreement. "You could be a salesman, Luke. Maybe you should go with her to all her interviews, butter 'em up a bit." He laughed, making Luke kiss the top of my head and sit back down.

We sat and talked for another hour, but Lorenzo had to leave to go to some family dinner his wife was hosting. It seemed like he literally had the most stereotypical Italian family you could think of. He told us about how amazing of a cook his wife was, and he promised they'd have us over for dinner one of these days. I was sad to see him leave since it was such a rarity for him to come around.

After we ate dinner ourselves, Luke and Brett played Fortnite for a while. Since I'd been playing it more in my room, I asked if we could switch off each game. Brett was getting pissed that I was better than him, but Luke knew he sucked no matter how hard he tried. He was more of a nazi zombies kind of player, but he owned it and didn't try to compete with me when this was my element. The last game we played, Brett died half way through and I carried us to victory, and he was so irritated that he exited out of Fortnite and opened Call of Duty.

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