Chapter 15

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Izzy's POV

After the night of truth and dare, Luke and I walked around with more respect for each other. It was no surprise that we were the two to clash heads when our backgrounds were the most fucked up. We ended up going around the room and talking about our families after Luke and I confessed so much.

Ashton's parents were divorced, but on good terms. Sophie had a picture-perfect family, she even admitted that there were no real obstacles in her life. I didn't hold that against her, though, even though I envied her. It's better to grow up that way. Calum's parents were on the other side of the country, so he only saw them during the summer and big holidays when they could afford to fly him back out there. Other than that, he had a happy life. Michael's parents fought a lot, but he said it didn't bother him anymore. They wanted to make it work for him and his little brother.

The guys told me and Sophie about how they met. It was honestly a cute story. Michael and Ashton have been friends since middle school. They met Luke when he moved into the house next door to Michael, which was the first foster home he was sent to when he was 15. When Calum showed up for orientation before freshman year of college, they were inseparable. They've all been close ever since.

It was like that moment in the Breakfast Club when they all opened up to each other. We looked at one another with more perspective. And the two kids that hated each other, finally let one another off the hook a little. Luke and I didn't argue anymore. We weren't friends, but the sly comments ended on both sides.

By Thanksgiving we were all saying good bye to each other for the break. Calum flew out on Tuesday, his parents surprised him with tickets which was the sweetest thing I had ever seen. Ashton, Michael, and Sophie were all about to go home today, the day before Thanksgiving. We were in Ash and Michael's room while they finished packing bags. Sophie had all her stuff together, waiting for her parents to pick her up.

It was bittersweet to watch them all leave. I was going to miss them for the next week, but I would give anything to have family to go back to like they did. Luke wasn't leaving either, only he didn't have anyone to come home to even if he made amends. It broke my heart, honestly.

Campus was dead on Wednesday night, and I spent it alone in the dining hall. The school was hosting a Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow night for the kids who chose to stay, but that was probably going to be the worst pity party you could imagine. I called Bri to see if she was doing anything, but she had dinner with her family like I expected. I went to the store and got a pre-packaged turkey dinner, thinking maybe I could have Thanksgiving in my room tomorrow. At least it would feel like Thanksgiving, even if I chose not to eat it.

I sat in the dining hall, thinking about how I usually watched the hustle of all the students to pass the time. I felt like a walking sob story, being one of the only students to stay here. I put my headphones in and laid down in the booth I was set up at. I had my head on the isle side, watching a few people walk by upside down.

I closed my eyes, just taking in the music I had playing, when I felt the light get blocked from above me. I looked up to see Luke standing over me, upside down from my perspective. He had a plate of food in his hand, and I nodded my head to let him know he could sit. I sat up and went back to sitting like a normal person.

"Have you eaten yet?" He asked, looking at the empty table in front of me.

"No. I'm not that hungry." I answered quietly. He stood up and disappeared into the cafeteria, reemerging shortly after with another plate and placing it in front of me. "Eat." He said, digging into his food.

I picked up the fork and picked at it for a minute, looking at the meatloaf and broccoli like it was poison. When I took a bite of the meatloaf, Luke looked up at me and watched me chew. I went and grabbed a salt packet and returned to the table, pouring it onto the plate next to the broccoli.

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