Chapter 60

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Izzy's POV

I fell asleep before everyone else even finished eating, and I could tell because I heard the voices from downstairs as they handed out slices. That's the last thing I heard before I dozed off, but when I came to, Luke was clinging to me like a child. I gently shrugged out of his arms and went to make coffee, since it was only 9. Going to bed early did mean waking earlier than usual.

I tiptoed down the stairs and through the living room, trying my best not to wake Calum and Mike up. I managed to get a pot on without making a sound, but by the time it was done it was already almost 10. The sound of the steam escaping made a hissing noise, and I saw Mike sit up and dart his head toward the kitchen. I knew he'd be coming over to me, so I grabbed a second mug and put it on the counter for him.

"Why'd you go to bed so early?" He asked groggily. I filled both of our mugs with the black coffee, putting it back on the burner after to keep it warm.

"Luke felt some type of way about Harry texting me." I said plainly, not really finding a point in making up excuses anymore.

"Why was Harry texting you?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows at me.

"Just to see how I'm doing after... that." I said, adding two spoonfuls of sugar and stirring away.

"So, what exactly did he have a problem with?" He chuckled. That was literally my point, he shouldn't have had a problem with it. He just made an assumption and rolled with it.

"He read the last text he sent without seeing any of the others. And Harry made a joke about me making it up to him for cutting his week short. And he said not to feel guilty about what happened. He didn't put any context, though, so all Luke saw was me making it up to him and not feeling guilty." I explained, finally taking a sip of my finished coffee.

"Oh, shit. Are you guys good?" Mike was genuinely concerned, and it warmed my heart to see. He didn't support us before, but seeing him actually care that we're doing well made me beyond happy.

"He asked me if I slept with him, so I unlocked my phone and threw it in front of him to shed some light on how far off he was." I said, barely any emotion evident in my voice. I was just sick and tired of this kind of petty bullshit, it really didn't have a place in my life.

"Oh, shit." He said, now realizing how far he took it. "That's quite a leap, don't you think?" He asked, almost amused.

"Yeah, you know what, it is." I said, flailing my arms in the air to show just how much I didn't understand it. "He actually slept with Callie and threw it in my face, but I can't even text someone without him jumping down my throat." I admitted it, but I felt bad about it after. I didn't want to sit here and talk badly about Luke like this, he just really upset me last night. And it brought up a lot of shit that we still never really talked about.

"That's how guys think, Izz. Especially Luke, he's territorial as fuck." He lifted his mug to take another sip, raising his eyebrows at me in seriousness.

"I'd like to see how he'd feel if I dumped him and slept with someone just to make him mad. He'd lose his fucking mind. And I had to sit there and get accused of being the crazy ex." I sighed, thinking back to probably the most challenging two months of my emotional existence. I knew I shouldn't dwell on it, but him accusing me of cheating was just bringing up not good feelings.

"If it makes you feel better, you definitely weren't the crazy ex." He chuckled, trying to bring light into this gloomy conversation. I took another sip of my coffee and rolled my eyes at him.

"I feel like a definitely was." I giggled.

"Hey, you were in pain. He did shit that was meant to break you, and I know you forgave him but if he's not treating you right... I just want you to be happy." He paused for that short moment, trying to word it the best he could.

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