Chapter 45

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Izzy's POV

Luke sent me off to my room to get ready for dinner while he went and did the same himself. He told me to dress up a little, so I threw on black leggings and the nicest black sweater I had. I knew this wasn't exactly dressing up, so I put nude heels on and my hair in a messy bun. I finished with my makeup right around 7, so I knocked on Luke's door to tell him that I was good to go.

"You look amazing." He pulled me into his room and wrapped his arms around my lower back, kissing my neck with the door still wide open.

"Save it for later." I smirked at him, pulling away to see his face. He was in his usual black jeans and button down, but I could never get enough of it. He looked too good in it for him to switch it up.

"There's going to be a later?" He asked all innocently, pulling my face toward him. I kissed him for a moment, but pulled away fast enough to tease him.

"Where are we going?" I asked, walking out into the hall.

"You'll see when we get there." He grabbed my hand and led me out of our building and to his car.

I was deep in thought the whole car ride, trying to figure out the best way to approach him about what Vanessa told me. I didn't want him to think I was digging around, since Vanessa told me the one thing I asked and more. By the time we pulled up at the restaurant, he could tell that something was on my mind. He gave me a weird look before he got out of the car, but I just joined him so we could go in.

The place was pretty nice, and they seated us at a small table next to the window which I was happy about. There was a candle in the middle of the table, and I realized this was actually the first official date we've gone on. The menu was huge, and after ordering some drinks I struggled to figure out what I wanted to eat. We had to ask the waitress for more time twice, and when I finally decided Luke was about to rip my hair out.

"I'm gonna ask Sophie if she'll come with me to student resources and get my car transferred to her account." I told him after the waitress left with our orders.

"Can they even do that?" He asked, taking a sip of the beer he ordered.

"Hopefully. I just don't want to leave mine at Brett's taking up space." I picked at the piece of bread in front of me, trying to decide if I should dip it in the oil they gave us.

"Well, if you need me to come in there and cause a scene just let me know." I rolled my eyes at him, taking a bite of the bread in my hand.

"You're like every middle-aged white woman ever." I laughed, making him smirk at me.

The waitress came back to see if we needed refills, and Luke already downed his first beer so he got another. I was only half way through the glass of wine that I got, and it was honestly weird to even think about that. I was having a glass of wine at a nice restaurant on my first real date. It was strange being an adult all of a sudden.

"If you don't want to tell me it's fine, but did Lorenzo tell you anything else about those guys in the city?" I treaded with caution, not wanting to ruin how well this was going so far. Luke just looked at me for moment, biting on his lip ring.

"He found them. And he made a move." That was all he said, but I didn't exactly know what he meant.

"You're not really a part of that, are you?" I asked, hoping to god that he kept himself in the shadows after what they did to him last time.

"It wasn't my call to make. He had some of his guys hit one of their safe houses." He said, looking around the room after like he was making sure no one heard him.

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