Chapter 12

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Izzy's POV

Waking up on Sunday was the most rested I ever felt. The light coming in through my window had gradually moved with the sun, finally shining right into my eyes. I opened them once, then rolled over to cuddle back into Luke. It wasn't until my arm hit an empty bed that I realized he had left already. I sat up and looked around the room, not finding him and not seeing the bathroom light on.

I sighed, getting up to grab my phone. I stumbled and a headache instantly took over my mind, making me wince. Looking at my phone didn't make it any better, but I wanted to see if I had any messages from Luke, or anyone for that matter. They all knew Sophie and I were completely gone so I assumed the group chat would be active. There were a handful of texts from everyone, checking how we were all feeling after quite the night out. When I saw that there was nothing from Luke my face dropped.

I popped some meds to get my headache to go away and agreed to meet everyone for coffee in the café. I didn't bother changing, I felt like shit so looking like shit wasn't on my list of fucks to give. I only threw my hair into a ponytail so it wasn't the ragged mess it was. I pulled my phone from the charger and put on my slippers, making my way out the door. The second I stepped into the hall, though, I turned right back around and grabbed a pair of sunglasses. Bright lights were going to be a problem, so I placed them over my eyes and pulled my hood up.

When I stumbled over to the table, everyone started laughing hysterically. I rolled my eyes before realizing they couldn't even see it behind the glasses. I sat down and took a sip of my coffee, dropping my head onto the table right after. I felt like death and the coffee did help, but not enough.

"How're you feeling?" Michael asked sarcastically, making me lift my head up slightly and pull down the sunglasses so my eyes were visible. I narrowed my eyes at him and pulled the glasses back over them. "So not good? What a surprise." He joked, laughing kindly at my expense.

I sat up and took another sip of my coffee, pulling my hood off and hanging the sunglasses on the neckline. I saw eyes trail to my neck, and widen right when they got there. Sophie looked beyond herself, narrowing her eyes and leaning over the table to look closer. What the hell were they doing?

"Looks like you had some fun last night?" Calum pointed out, making my eyebrows furrow.

"What are you guys looking at?" I asked, very confused.

"Who marked you, Izzy?" Sophie asked, with way too much enthusiasm I might add. My eyes went wide as I went to open the front camera on my phone. Sure as shit, most of my collarbone was brown and purple. I stuttered, not knowing how to answer that question, especially when Luke was sitting with a tense jaw and turned head.

"There you go again, going off with another random guy." I heard Luke's voice, and when I looked back up to him my mouth dropped slightly. Is he serious right now? He's the one that came onto me, I didn't instigate what happened last night, all I wanted was someone to be in the room with me. He was the one that pulled me onto his lap and kissed me.

"I didn't even notice you disappear, when?" Sophie asked, needing all the details. I sighed, knowing exactly how I was going to play this off.

"Yeah, it was only for a second. He turned out to be a real piece of shit." I said bluntly, seeing Luke's fists clench on the table out of the corner of my eye.

Everything that I felt that week we were close, everything I felt last night, it all just disappeared. I didn't want to know anything more about him, I already knew what I needed to. He was scum, and he was incapable of being a decent human being. I sat there quietly for the rest of the lunch, pulling my hood over my head and tightening the drawstrings. I didn't want anyone to see what he had done to me. Now I just had to live with the hickeys as a reminder for the next week.

Toxic -  Luke HemmingsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant