Chapter 43

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Izzy's POV

We got to the party at 9:30, after walking the 20 minutes there. Callie was freezing her ass off and complained the whole time, but that was all her fault for wearing shorts and a tube top in the winter. Sophie and I disappeared on our own the second we got there, not wanting to hear her bitch and moan anymore. My plan for the night was to get completely obliterated, so I sent Sophie on a wild goose chase to find whatever she could.

After coming up empty handed the first round, we poured ourselves drinks and enjoyed the party for a little while. Someone was bound to show up with ecstasy or something at some point. We walked around and joked about how dumb Callie was, and right on cue we saw her struggling to make her own drink. I think we laughed about that one for at least 10 minutes.

Almost two hours into being there, Sophie ran off when she saw the guy that gave her the molly last time. She said he would definitely have it again, or at least something else. While she was gone I stayed put, looking around the room and observing all the drunk college kids. When I did a full 360, I ended with seeing Luke pushing through the crowd toward me. I went to walk away, but he got to my arm before I could.

"I need to talk to you." He said sternly, eyeing me as if to threaten me not to say no.

"I'm okay on that." I said, turning around and weaving my way through the sea of people.

I found Sophie waiting with that guy while he went through his bag, so I went up to them and introduced myself. Turns out his name was Dom, and he was actually pretty cool. He wasn't sketch like the usual drug dealer was, and he didn't have a problem with me walking up to them while he sold to Sophie. It did get a little weird when Luke joined us, though.

"What are you doing?" He asked in my ear.

"Me and Sophie are getting molly." I told him plainly, turning back to the two of them as Dom handed her two pills.

"Can you make it three?" Luke interrupted, digging through his pocket to pull out his wallet. "I got it all." Sophie and I just looked at each other, not knowing what to make of it.

"Yeah, man. It's 45." Dom said, handing over the two pills he already had out to Sophie and going back into his bag for another. Luke pulled out $45 and handed it to him in exchange for his own pill.

We thanked Dom and I told him it was nice to meet him officially, then we went off to the kitchen. Luke was trailing behind us the whole time. I didn't know if he thought he was going to roll with us, but that wasn't happening. I grabbed a water from the counter and swallowed my pill, handing it to Sophie right after so she could do the same.

"Have you ever done molly before?" Sophie asked Luke while he took his.

"I've done everything you can think of." He said, brushing past us and making his way through the crowd. Sophie and I just stood there mocking him when he walked away, laughing at how top shit he thought he was. We were both just glad that he left us alone.

The 45 minutes it took for it to start kicking in went by excruciatingly slow. Once I couldn't stop smiling, though, it was all downhill from there. Sophie and I walked around the party on cloud 9, and when we ran into Ashton she fell into his arms. It made me wish I had someone to touch, that was the only thing I ever wanted to do on molly.

The second I saw Mike walk up to us I threw my arms around him, living for the sensation of having someone to hold. He wasn't surprised that we were at it again, and he let me play with his hands for as long as I wanted. We still hadn't talked about him telling me he loved me the month before, and I honestly felt like it wasn't fair to act this way with him when I knew I didn't feel the same way.

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