Chapter 73

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Izzy's POV

I woke up an anxious mess, regardless of if I took my meds last night. It was one thing to think about it, but as I got ready quietly to head out the door, the nerves really started to kick in. Sophie and I were running behind schedule too, so not even being able to sit and have coffee was making it worse. We drove to the hospital and struggled to find the department I needed to get to.

When we finally found it, it was only ten minutes before my appointment started. They said to get here a half hour before to do paperwork, but I had Sophie help me to rush through it all just in time for my name to get called. Sophie followed me as the nurse led us to one of the rooms, and we sat and waited a few minutes for the doctor to actually see us.

"Isabel?" A woman opened the door and stuck her head in, waiting for me to welcome her.

She introduced herself and had me tell her exactly why I was here, so I spent a good ten minutes explaining every last detail. She said the first thing I should do is get some kind of test done to see if I was ovulating like Sophie mentioned at the beach, which I gladly agreed to. I was hoping that I'd get some kind of answer right then and there, but she said the lab would get back to her next week since it was Friday.

Other than that, the only things she could suggest were keep eating normally and getting back to being as healthy as possible. It was a little discouraging, but she said it was most likely that I would get my period back since I was still young, but since it wasn't a confirmation I was still concerned about it.

We left after I gave her the best contact information for myself, and the whole drive home was filled with Sophie talking optimistically about the lack of bad news she gave us. She did have a point, so I tried to stay positive until I actually got the lab results back. The doctor said not to worry if it comes back negative, since it just meant I wasn't ovulating yet.

Once we got back to the house, the guys still weren't up. I wondered how late they actually stayed up last night, since it was almost noon when we walked through the front door. I screamed at Mike and Cal to wake up and then we ran up the stairs to drag our lazy ass boyfriends out of bed.

We didn't actually leave for lunch until closer to 1, but Sophie and I were starving since we hadn't gotten the chance to eat yet today. It was weird to look at being hungry as a bad thing now, since whenever my stomach growled before I felt like it was an accomplishment. But, I was definitely hangry, and if they didn't move faster I was about to crack skulls.

In the middle of lunch, my phone started ringing nonstop in my pocket. When I saw it was Olivia, I silenced it and made a mental note to text her back later. It wasn't until I got a text from her first that I figured I'd just reply quickly.


Meet me at my house at 7 we can go together


Okay sounds good


Idk what's going on but this kid is acting sketch all of a sudden. He said he'd still come but he's barely talked to me the last week

To say I wasn't surprised would be an understatement, considering I already called that this guy she was 'talking to' was a bum. I didn't know what she wanted me to say to that, though, so I waited a minute to see how I could even respond.


I mean just talk to him when you see him I guess

I left it at that, and it took her another few minutes to reply.

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