Chapter 74

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Luke's POV

The entire drive to the party Calum was laying into me. I tried to tell him I was only going to tell Olivia I couldn't keep meeting up with her, but he didn't trust me. I wouldn't have trusted me either, but I knew what my intentions were. After my birthday I couldn't live with the guilt anymore, and I knew I needed to cut ties. Izzy was everything that I needed, and I didn't know why I decided to screw around on her in the first place, but it needed to end.

We pulled up to the house well over an hour after we were supposed to get here, but I wasn't in a rush. I was only here to tell Olivia to fuck off and try to sell if I could. Calum left me the second we walked in, and I watched him disappear into the crowd. I already texted Olivia to tell her I just got here, and she came up to me from behind and nudged my shoulder.

"Thanks for coming." She smirked, and I nodded my head without saying anything. "I'll grab you a drink." She said, running off into the kitchen as I went and explored the living room.

I didn't even know why I was here, when I literally could have never texted her again and it would have done the same. She just looked so similar to Izzy that I felt like I had a soft spot for her, and that was my downfall to begin with. They could have been sisters, I swear.

"Here." Olivia came back after a few minutes and handed me a plastic cup with god knows what in it. I figured it was rum and Coke, and when I took a sip I knew I was right. "What's going on with you? Why haven't you been talking to me?" She asked, slight irritation in her voice.

"Liv, I can't keep doing this with you." I said honestly, cutting right to the point. It felt wrong to even be here, and I wasn't even in the mood to sell anymore. I just wanted to get this over with and get out.

"You're bullshitting." She chuckled, taking a sip of her own drink. I started staring off into the crowd behind her, not even wanting to look at her.

"I'm not. We're not doing this anymore." I said plainly, glancing over to her to see her furrowing her eyebrows at me.

"That's fine, I guess. I came here expecting to get dick, though, so can we go upstairs one last time?" She asked shamelessly. I turned my head and pushed away all the thoughts of saying yes. She wrapped her arms around my neck and started kissing under my ear, and my jaw tensed at the contact. "One more time, Lukey." She said seductively, biting my ear right after.

Every bit of self-control went out the window, and I grabbed her hand and started pulling her up the stairs. Izzy wasn't even running through my head anymore, it was just pure lust for Olivia. I didn't feel anything toward her, but when she looked at me I was just overcome with desire, most likely because she reminded me of Izzy. I had guilt in my heart when we got to an open bedroom and she pulled me in to kiss her as we walked in, but when I slammed the door behind us I left that guilt outside.

Izzy's POV

I left Pete standing there without saying a word, and I chased after Luke and Olivia as I watched them climb the stairs. I had a throbbing pain in my chest and I couldn't tell if it was my heart beating dangerously fast, or if it was literally my heart just breaking into a million pieces. I got to the bottom of the stairs right as they reached the top, and I bolted up them just in time to see them kissing and stepping into a bedroom at the end of the hall. When I saw the door slam, I flinched at the noise.

I grabbed onto the wall and tried to breath, but I couldn't get air in. I wasn't even crying, I was just hyperventilating at the thought of this being what Luke was really hiding from me. I had an urge to burst through the door, but it went away when I thought about what I'd be walking into. I turned on my heels as fast as I could, but a body slamming into me stopped me dead in my tracks.

Toxic -  Luke HemmingsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant