Chapter 51

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Luke's POV

By the time Sophie got here the doctor had given up trying to explain anything to me in my state. I asked him if the three of them could come in, and he reluctantly said yes since she was still asleep. Once they were back here, Sophie ran to the other side of the bed and grabbed Izzy's hand, and I'm sure the guys filled her in as best they could while they were in the waiting room. I got more of a grip having them with me, so the doctor tried one last time to talk to all of us.

"She had a seizure on the way here, so we won't know the extent of the damage until she wakes up. The anorexia already made her heart extremely weak, so we're keeping an eye out to make sure it doesn't fail. If we can get through the night without any complications, we can talk about when she'll wake up." He explained, and thankfully Sophie was strong enough to ask the hard questions.

"She's going to wake up, though, right?" She asked, a few tears falling down her face. I couldn't stand to even think that way, but it needed to be addressed.

"Just focus on getting through the night. We'll cross that bridge when it comes, but yeah. There's a chance she might not wake up any time soon." He said hesitantly, not wanting that news to sting. It did sting, though, and I could feel the tears in my eyes. We all nodded our heads to the best of our abilities, so he continued. "Is there any family you can call?"

"No." I said sternly, not even wanting to think about her parents. The last thing she needed to see was them when she woke up.

"Luke, we should call her parents." Sophie said, and I had a feeling she didn't understand how complicated that situation was.

"We're not calling them." I said, putting my foot down. I had the final say in this, and I didn't care if that was selfish of me. I was doing what I thought was best for Izzy.

Sophie just frowned, but she let up. The doctor left and we were left sitting there again, helpless to what was in front of us. Hours went by, and Ashton left to call Calum and fill him in. I told him to sugar coat it a bit, just so he wasn't on the other side of the country freaking out on his own. Sophie left for a while, too, probably to get some air. They tried to get me to eat, but I wasn't hungry even though I hadn't eaten all day.

I managed to fall asleep around midnight, even if the top half of my body was leaning on the bed Izzy's lifeless body was laying on. The three of them had fallen asleep a little before that, but I couldn't stand to be alone in my own head watching her, so I forced myself to sleep. That was until Sophie was calling to me. I shot my head up, looking instantly at Izzy to see if she had woken up. When I realized it wasn't that, I brought my eyes to the two people she had standing next her.

Ashton and Mike were both wide awake now, looking between all of us like it was a pressure cooker bomb waiting to go off. When I recognized the woman from the picture I saw on Izzy's phone, I jumped out of my seat and went over to them.

"No. You don't get to come back now." I stood in there way, not wanting them anywhere near Izzy. You can't kick your own child out at 16 and expect to come back around after 5 years.

"Luke." Sophie scolded me, but I just ignored her. Izzy's mom had tears in her eyes as she watched her laying in that bed, but it didn't even faze me. I just went right up to her dad, shooting daggers through him as I recalled what he'd done to her.

"You've got balls coming around after what you did to her." I sneered, my jaw tense and fists clenched. He just glared right back at me.

"That's my daughter! You don't get to-"

"You loved her so much you had to beat her up to show it?!" I cut him off, not wanting to hear any kind of excuse he had to offer. Her mom started sobbing, and she ran past me to go sit next to Izzy.

Toxic -  Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now