Chapter 42

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Izzy's POV

The next couple weeks were a blur. The days all jumbled together since I did exactly the same thing when I got back to my room after class. I think I went out with the group twice or three times since the night they went to that party Calum was talking about. I had been MIA from everything, from parties to dinners, and even a couple classes. I missed my chemistry lecture this last Wednesday because I overslept, but I was at least able to make it to lab.

Mike and Sophie were begging me to come out with them tonight, and even though I didn't want to, I agreed. It was the Friday before Valentine's Day, and the last thing I wanted was to go to this ridiculous Valentine themed party. It wasn't really a theme, but you were supposed to wear pink or red to be festive. I don't think I owned a single pink piece of clothing, so red was going to have to do.

I finished class with Sophie that afternoon and went to her room so we could hang out before we went. She tried to ask what had been going on with me, but I kept dismissing the topic. I had gone completely numb these last few weeks, and I wanted to keep it that way. I was scared that telling her how dark of a place I was in would make all those pushed down emotions come back up. I just told her I was keeping my distance to stay away from Callie and Luke.

By the time Sophie was finished getting ready for the party, I was already starting to talk myself out of going. When I tried to bail she wouldn't have it, though. She dragged me back to my room and picked out on outfit for me, scolding me the second I put up any kind of resistance. I didn't even pay attention to the clothes she was handing me, but I went into the bathroom and changed regardless.

Somehow, she found a mesh top that I had completely forgotten about. It was black mesh with red roses embroidered all over it. She found a black bralette to go under it and grabbed the only pair of light wash jeans I owned. I didn't bother putting up a fight about the outfit, so I threw it all on and went back to her. She was giddy about how girly I looked, but that didn't really make me feel better.

I sat down to do my makeup, and once I was finished Sophie came over and started searching through my desk. She just told me to sit tight and let her do something, so I did exactly that. Soon enough, she was using an eyeliner right under my eyes. When I looked in the mirror there were two little black hearts, one under each eye. I didn't hate it, and I was just glad they were black.

By 8 we were walking down to Mike and Ash's room to meet everyone. I brought my headphones and pulled them under my shirt so they would hang on the neckline. The second we walked in I brought one of them to my ear so I didn't have to fully invest myself in the conversation. They wanted to pregame tonight, so were going to chill in their room and drink for a while. We were just waiting on Luke, and unfortunately Callie was coming too. They were like a package deal now, I never saw them without each other. It was just like how we used to be.

I was already on my second drink by the time they walked in, and Callie looked fucking ridiculous. It was still pretty cold out, and this girl was wearing a pink tube top with high waisted jean shorts. I think she thought the fishnets on her legs were going to keep her warm. I guess hoes really didn't get cold.

Once I sized her up, I went back to staring off into space while Luke made the two of them drinks. He honestly looked pissed, and I was wondering if it had anything to do with Callie's outfit choice. Maybe he was finally realizing how dumb she was, or that she wasn't from the same world as him. He had on the red flannel I gifted him, and his usual black jeans and tee. They just didn't look right together.

I sat there on Mike's bed, propped up against the wall with my neck at an uncomfortable angle. I could have stayed there all night though, since it was going to be better than watching Luke and Callie run around the party together. I wondered if he got her to do coke the way he did me, and I wondered if she knew everything that I knew. Brett actually liked me, I wondered how he would feel about Callie walking into his house under Luke's arm. Would he hate her like I did?

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