Chapter 39

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Izzy's POV

After the outburst at lunch, I went back to my room. I hadn't actually gotten the time to think about another girl going down on him already, but when it hit me, it hit me hard. I threw my backpack on the floor and stood in the middle of my room, just staring off into space as a couple tears fell. I didn't want to cry over him anymore, but the thought of him hooking up with another girl so soon had me wrecked.

This was the worst we'd ever been, literally at each other's throats. I didn't want to act this way, but he wasn't giving me much of a choice. He had a way of bringing out the worst in me. And yeah, maybe I shouldn't have said anything about him shoving me into a wall, but he had it coming. It seemed somewhat counterintuitive to put his aggression out on display right after I called him out for it, but he made his bed and now he had to lay in it.

After a couple hours of listening to screamo and lying in bed, a knock on the door caught my attention. I heard Michael's voice behind it asking to let him in, so I jumped out of bed and opened the door for him. When I saw the console in his hands, I nearly pounced on him. I stepped to the side so he could come in and set it up, and he even brought a second controller for himself.

"Fortnite's already on it if you wanna play splitscreen." He turned to me and handed me a controller, taking a seat next to me on my bed. The TV I had was tiny, so he even moved it from its place on my dresser to the swivel chair so it was right in front of us.

We played for at least two hours, only winning once but still having a good time. It was nice to be able to do this in my room for once, instead of crowding into his and Ashton's. I was good at Fortnite, but I never had it at my disposal so now I could get even better. I was just glad I had something to do in this room other than listen to music and stare at shit.

By the time it was almost midnight, Mike was getting ready to go back to his room. We were finally getting back to being close, and he never brought up the night at the hotel again. I think he knew better than to add that onto the pile of shit I had on my plate already. I walked him to the door, him stopping in the hall as we finished our conversation. I stayed in the doorway, smiling at him while he re-tied his shoe.

"I'll come by tomorrow night, we can play again." He told me, standing back up after finishing.

"Okay, just let me know when you get out of class." I told him, watching as his head snapped to the left. I furrowed my eyebrows at him while he looked at whatever it was dumbfounded.

"You've got to be kidding me." He mumbled.

"Hi Mike." Callie said awkwardly, right as I stepped into the hall. She took one look at me and her whole attitude changed. She was mousy up until now, when she walked right up to me all bold and confident. "You know, maybe if you didn't cheat on him with Mike, he wouldn't have pushed you into a wall."

I raised my eyebrows, looking at Michael amused. She thought she was tough shit, coming up to me like that. I don't think she realized how stupid she looked. Mike just laughed at her, making her face drop the slightest bit. You could tell she wasn't built for confrontation, and her hard façade was cracking with every second that passed.

"And you're the dumb bitch that still fucked him after you saw him come after me." Her face dropped even further, but she had one last dig left in her.

"I still got further than you did. It's too bad he's not into the whole virgin thing." With that, she just pranced away like she had won. I'd be lying if I said it didn't get to me, but I didn't let it show. I just let her walk away.

"Izz." Mike broke me away from where I stared into space. I looked up to see him giving me a sympathetic look. "Don't let it get to you." He pulled me into a hug, and I went limp in his hold. When he pulled away I gave him a weak smile, saying bye as he walked away reluctantly.

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