Night World Book 10: The Runaway Chapter 3

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"You don't know her."


" I can tell that she knows about us." Lucas nodded. " And so the more reason we need to get rid of her."

"No!" shouted Lucas and launched himself to his brother. In a split second, he shoved away his brother who flew to the brick wall which leaves his figure marked there. Lea the was standing at the back of Lucas who is in his fighting position facing his brother who slid down sitting on the floor under his marked figure on the wall, laughing. He is laughing really hard.

"Whew! Temper my dear brother," he said in between laugh.


" I won't hesitate on doing that again if you dare touch Lea again," Lucas said through clenched teeth.


"You're really making me laugh brother," still laughing, Jethro is now standing and walking towards them. "What happen to my so cool brother?"



Lea is still hidden behind Lucas. "Enough Jethro!" Lucas hissed.


Jethro raised both his hands in the air as a sign of his surrender and walked out of the door.


"Are you alright?" Lucas then turned to Lea.


"Yeah, I guess," she mumbled.


"I'm sorry."


"Don't be. It's not you. It's him."


"I will have to talk to him."


"And I need to get even," said Lea.


"Hmmm, you know? You look good together," said Lucas while laughing.


"Not funny."




"Stop it! I'm serious." she pouted.


"Okay," he said smiling. " But we need to be really careful. Jethro is nice but he could really be a jerk sometimes."


"He is nice? Are you kidding me?" she groaned.


Lucas just smiled and tap her on the shoulder.


"Come, I wanna see how you'll get even."



They went outside the office and found Jethro sitting on the bar, drinking on a rock glass.


Lea ignored him and went inside the bar to help Lance in wiping the wine glasses.


When she turned to Lucas, she saw the two guys talking seriously to each other. Both glaring at her.


Night World Series: Runaway (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now