Epilogue 💓

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Seven years later

The door opened soundlessly as I entered the softly lit bar. The air-conditioned air was pleasantly cool against my skin as I strode towards my destination, never breaking in my stride.

I spotted them before they saw me and smiled widely. Seven years was enough to change a lot of things. After my departure from Bloomville, I had immediately started therapy sessions. Though annoying, they were quite helpful in helping me overcome the traumas of the past. I was still healing but the improvement was clear. Dr. Stephen was also helping me in projecting my emotions well. No more did I have to mask my feelings behind an artificial mask of someone else's making. I was my own self.

My quest in finding myself was going well. Each new day came with new discoveries about my person. I just recently found out I hated the smell of peaches and I had a talent in painting. I had grown to appreciate myself and the features I possessed, most especially my hair which I was now wearing short. I had decided that I would never live with someone controlling my life for me. I made my own choices and I was proud of them; both good and bad.

The relationship between Mr. Lanchester and myself was growing better and more natural. I was already getting used to referring to him with a more personal title - dad. He had sheltered me from the press and social media pressure when it was revealed I was his daughter. I went from Monalisa Del Lana, the beautiful daughter of local famous cosmetic legend and architectural genius to Monalisa Lanchester, the infamous daughter of the world's richest man within a day. The news would no doubt be juicy for them. 

Everyone wanted to know the backstory and the history between Mr. Lanchester, Carmen, and I. Speaking of which, Carmen had met her dues.

She was sentenced to life imprisonment for the several crimes she had committed which included, attempted murder, homicide, child abuse, possession of an unauthorized weapon, kidnapping, drug abuse, and so on. When she tried to plead innocent on the count of mental illness, the recording I had made was presented in the court and she had no choice than to go with the court's sentence. Even in the jail uniform, she still showed no remorse for her actions. Abel on the other hand was charged with two years imprisonment for being an accessory to her crime of kidnapping. It was safe to say I wasn't going to see those two anytime soon.

There were days I would shed tears for the wonderful mother I never got to know. The only memory I had of her was a blurry one showcasing her wide smile. Camellia had transferred the inheritance willed to her to me and Ezra but as I was the only surviving child, I got it all. I and Dad visited the lake where her ashes were spread on every of her death anniversary.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Mel cheered when she spotted me.

"Look at who it is. Our Mona's looking sexy." Jarod teased, making biting gestures.

"Careful Jarod, Lexi won't be happy if she heard you say that," Layla warned.

I wasn't the only one who had undergone some form of change during the past years.

Mel was now a successful fashion designer with a history of ruining the career of famous actors and actresses who dared to cross her. Even now, she was still vicious in her revenge schemes.

Jarod was a famous journalist who from time to time, helped Mel in her career-ruining hobby. He had every news agency trying to get him on their side. I heard he and Layla had dated for a while before they agreed on being friends instead of lovers. He was presently dating a girl named Lexi. I hoped it lasted.

Layla's change was the most surprising of all. Gone was the shy girl of seven years ago. In her place was a beautiful confident woman who was working for the FBI. She was recruited after she had hacked their top-class system security and was currently their best hacker. I guess you can't be in the FBI and still remain the same person.

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