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Heyyyy eveyone! I am so thankful that y'all have continued to read this story! For those of you have paid attention to my A/N I really appreciate the words of encouragement, private messages and the support through this crazy time. I stared writing this story when I was severely concussed and I still struggle with those side effects a year and a half later.  As for all the other traumatic things that have happened... this story has really helped me stay positive. I was at my breaking point multiple times through 2020 and I knew I had to keep fighting. I had lost what felt to be everyone important to me...

In October (2020) I became involved in a church where I found something that needed more than anything... I found love. Not love by another human but by my lord and savior. (Please note I am just sharing how I got through this. I am not bashing or hating anyone. I am not trying to push anyone to do anything nor would i.) I come for a long line of diverse religious beliefs because of that I did not grow up in a religious group. My parents believed that we should decide our own path.

Any who on to a completely unrelated topic. Yet extremely positive!!😍!! I met a guy on vacation (complete accident. I was honestly talking to a guy back home when I met him...) and ohh is he fine!!! Like complete fire!  My family actually approves of him and his family is great. He lives in New Jersey and well I'm in alaska. 4 hour time difference. But we spent 2 weeks together 24/7 and went on multiple dates. He also is an old soul just like me, which is perfect! I figured I share all the bad and it's time for some positive also!

Okay so I'm still not sure where I was going with this story but we shall see. I know Elizabeth hasn't had that many parts in recent chapters and I want this story to be about her but the kids also have their own stories that I want to be mentioned so I'm struggling to figure out if it should be multiple books or one. Many of you thought it should only be one when I first asked that question but since then it seems people are wanting multiple.

As for this story I'm going to keep going with it and just see what happens for right now and possibly write a different book for the other characters so keep your eyes out for those.

I appreciate you all so much!

(Thanks for listening to my Ted talk).



2 1/2 years later

Elizabeth's pov

I was walking down the hall of the new avengers building when suddenly a bright light was blinding me. I covered my eyes for a few seconds before I noticed the light disappear. I blinked multiple times and pulled my arm away from my eyes. When I did that, I was stunned by what I saw. Standing before me was the people who had previously died.

I gapped, "I-am I dead?" Tony chuckled, "Liz," I walked up to him, "Tony." He smirked, "in the flesh." I gapped and tackled him into a hug. He sighed and hugged me back, "I'm here." Nat huffed, "I'm here too. Honestly, I'm your soulmate and best friend and you can just ignore me. Wow." I squealed and pulled away from Tony only to hug Nat.

I noticed a person walking towards us and not paying attention because they were talking on the phone and also texting. I sighed, "Cole-." I heard him huff, "Listen, I have plans this weekend. I am not changing them to go to a meeting. No I will not tell my soulmate to change our plans. Besides it's my kid's birthday this weekend it's not just something I can change and make up later. Jonathan, I already told you. We are a family company, meaning family is our first priority-. Stop arguing with me before I fire you." I shook my head and looked to the previously dead, "Cole won't sacrifice his time with his family. When he makes plans he sticks to them unless it's an emergency."

You will always be my forever (Book 1) the avengers soulmate series Where stories live. Discover now