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Maria's pov

Luca, Morgan and I were walking around New York when something caught my eye. It was peter with another girl. Luca noticed I had stopped walking and looked at me, "you good?" I shook my head, "I-it's peter-." Morgan and Luca both looked where I was looking and froze. peter was laughing  and looked to be flirting with this beautiful girl. She was stunning and looked athletic and smart... felt like my world was crashing down on me. Morgan grabbed my hand, "I'm sure it's not what it looks lik-or maybe it is..." I saw the girl lean in and kiss him. He didn't even pull away nothing. I gapped and started walking back towards the house. Luca ran up to me and hugged me, "Marz," I shook my head, "h-he doesn't love me..." Luca shook his head, "look, that's not true, maybe he was just shocked." I shook my head I-I want to go home." He hugged me, "are you sure?" I nodded. He hugged me tighter, "it's all going to be okay." I sniffed, "h-he disappeared for 5 years and doesn't want anything to do with me. I-it makes sense. I-I'm not the prettiest person, or nicest or happiest b-but I-I actually thought he loved me." Luca just let me cry into his chest.

I felt Morgan come up and join the hug. Luca sighed, "what happened to the strong stark sisters?" I sniffed, "my soulmate is cheating on me. Maria huffed, "stupid peter. If he can't see how beautiful and smart you are then he's an idiot." I let out an airy laugh, "thanks Morgan. Can we please just go home?" Luca nodded, "let's go." He grabbed Morgan's hand and put his arm over my shoulder, "I've got you." I whipped my eyes, "thanks." He gave me a confused look, "what for?" I sniffed, "being a good big brother." He chuckled, "it's kinda in the name don't you think?" I put my head on his shoulder and sighed, "I hate this feeling." Morgan gave me a sad look.

Luca's pov

Morgan squeezed my hand which caused me run my thumb over her small hand. She leaned into my side and I instantly felt the sparks that I get whenever we are around each other. I smiled down at my small soulmate as she looked worriedly at Maria.

I heard her voice in my head

"Is she going to be okay?" I sighed, "Morgan, she's hurting right now." She glances up at me, "is she going to be okay?" I looked at her, "eventually." She put her hand on my arm, "you know If you can't wait until I'm sixteen you can always move on." I squeezed her hand, "no. I'm not moving in from you. Not now, not ever. Peter made an idiotic choice but that doesn't mean he loves her any less." She looked down, "I mean I would understand if you wanted an adult relationship." I scoffed, "I want you and only you." She smiled softly and leaned into my side more. I smiled down at her, "I'm forever yours." She blushed but didn't say anything back.

I smiled down at my small soulmate before we walked into the avengers building. As soon as we made it to the living room mom smiled, "hey babies- what's wrong?" Maria ran into dad (Steve's) arms and cried. Dad kissed her head, "Maria, what's wrong?" I walked over to the couch and sat down with Morgan next to me. Mom kissed Morgan's head, "your mom should be here soon." Morgan smiled, "okay." Mom kissed the top of my head, "what's wrong with your sister?" I sighed, "its not my place to say." Maria sat on the floor and looked out at the city.

" Maria sat on the floor and looked out at the city

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My parents all looked at me expectantly. I shook my head and stood up. I walked over to her and sat down next to Maria. I grabbed her hand and squeezed it, "you okay?" She shook her head and leaned into my side.

Elizabeth's pov

I looked at my soulmates who were all equally as confused. Bruce shook his head and nodded towards the kitchen. Once all my soulmates were in the kitchen Clint looked at me, "she's doing what you do when one of your soulmates hurts you." I frowned, "so it's something to do with cole or peter..." Steve sighed, "maybe we should give her time to think." I sighed, "I don't want her to think we are just ignoring her feelings. She's obviously upset and she needs us. We're her parents this is our job." Bucky sighed, "we all understand that but she's shaken up. Steve has a point." Bruce sighed and pinched his nose, "El, we know you just want to help her but there's a reason she went to Luca and not us. Maybe she doesn't want to talk about it right now." I sighed, "okay."

Suddenly Clint's phone started ringing he frowned, "it's Cole." I nodded. Clint answered the phone and put it on speaker:

Clint: hey your on speaker what's up?

Cole: is Maria there?

Clint : yeah what happened?

Cole: that's why I was calling. Her emotions... something isn't right she's super sad and angry... it's directed at peter which is worrying me considering she barley ever gets this angry at anyone.

I frowned: what do you mean?

Cole: it's just... well her emotions they are never like this... it's hard to explain but this is the most angry I've every felt her be.

Clint: any ideas why?

Cole: I'm worried. The only reason she wouldn't tell me first is if she didn't want to talk about it. Which means peter did something unthinkable in the book of Maria.

Clint: Luca and Morgan know something... but they won't tell us what's going on. Maybe you could get her to open up.

Cole: I'm actually in the city for work so I'll be there in about 30 minutes maybe less depending on traffic.

End of call.

30 minutes later

Maria's pov
I had moved from the living room to my dance studio that my dad had made for me when I was young. It had beautiful natural light and amazing vintage decor. It was my safe space. I sat on one of the benches and hung my head. I felt sparks from cole's Mark and I looked up. He was leaning against a wall with his arms crossed. I sighed, "what are you doing here?" Cole walked over to me and sat in front of me, "something's wrong." I sniffed, "I-I don't want to talk about it." He sighed, "Maria, whatever peter did-." "How do you know it was peter?" He gave me a soft smile, "you were angry at him you were and still are sending anger and sadness to his mark. I can feel your emotions." I closed my eyes, "he kissed another girl. I-I have no right to be upset with him considering we aren't actually together. Just because were soulmates doesn't mean we have to be together it's not like it's a law." Cole sighed, "Maria, I'm sure it has nothing to do with him not wanting to be with you." I looked down, "you have to say that." He grabbed my legs, "Mari, you are my soulmate and I want more then anything for you to be happy. However, I will never lie to you even if I believe it's what you want to hear."

 I looked at him and I mean really looked at him

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I looked at him and I mean really looked at him. He looked exhausted and stressed. I grabbed his hand, "you haven't been sleeping." He smiled softly, "works been keeping me busy." I looked down, "I'm sorry I made you leave." He shook his head, "baby, I'm all yours all the time at any hour." I rolled my eyes, "you are not funny." He gave me the most serious look he's ever given me, "I'm being 100% serious." I smiled and bit my lip.

You will always be my forever (Book 1) the avengers soulmate series Where stories live. Discover now