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Elizabeth's pov

Clint sighed, "babe, you have to get up." I ignored him. He crossed his arms, "Elizabeth, I'm serious." I sighed, "I-I don't want to." He ran a hand over his face, "El, it's been 2 weeks. You do this every morning and by lunch your down stairs. I get that your upset. I understand that, baby." I sighed, "it's still early." He ran a hand down my back, "it's almost 10. The others expect us back by 2pm and they said it's important." I huffed, "fine." He kissed my head and stood up, "I expect you downstairs eating breakfast by the time I'm out of the shower." I threw my pillow at him. He caught it, "really, Elizabeth? Is that the game you want to play because you'll end up in this shower with me." I stuck my tongue out at him and he chuckled, "of course you are always welcome to join me." I rolled my eyes and got out of bed.

I heard the water turn on as I started getting ready to go. I packed my things and changed into a different outfit and ran down to the kitchen when I got a cup of coffee and toast. Violet raised an eyebrow at me, "that's all you want?" I shrugged, "it's been a hard few weeks." She nodded, "yeah I don't know what I would do with out dad. I mean there is the fact that I actually enjoy having him around though. I'm sorry by the way, about your dad and the baby." I smiled softly at her, "thanks. I'm sorry you had to lose another baby sibling." She gave me this sad look, "do you think it's because of the age difference? That this is a form of punishment or a sign that you and dad aren't supposed to be romantically involved?" I sighed, "Vi, is this about your soul marks?" She closed her eyes. I grabbed her hand, "you can feel them." She nodded. I gave her a confused look, "what's wrong?"

"They're older then me. I-I can feel their emotions. They are all worried they won't find or they gave up. T-that means I'm a lot younger then then. w-what if they don't want me." I nodded, "I get that, Vi. I get that better then anyone else. You know one of my favorite parts about being soulmates with your dad is that I'm able to be here for you. I'm able to be your friend even though I'm with your dad. I don't feel like I have to replace your mom or mother you in anyway. I feel like I can be your friend and that's something we both need. I want you to be happy, Violet." She hugged me as soon as I sensed Clint behind me.

(It won't let me add the picture of her outfit down her so it's at the top/side.)

Clint cleared his throat, "sorry my lovely ladies but El, we have to go." I nodded and pulled away from violet who gave her dad a hug before we left.

Time skip: Stark Tower

As soon as we walked out of the elevator I was tackled by Thor. He gave me a hug, "Lady elizabeth, we've been worried." I hugged him back, "I know, I'm sorry." He kissed my head, "do not apologize for your grief." I heard Monica say, "Put her down." He huffed but set me down, "sorry, lady Monica." I smiled softly at him and kissed his hand. He cupped my cheek, "I've missed my beautiful soulmate." I leaned into his hand, "I've missed you too." He smiled and let me see everyone else. Before I could move I saw him. My dad. Standing alive and well. I gasped and covered my mouth. I was stunned until my Dad sighed, "Elizabeth, I-." I cut him off by jumping in his arms. He hugged me, "I'm sorry." I sobbed into his chest and shook my head, "y-you died." He sighed, "I had to fake my death." I frowned, "w-why didn't you tell me." He tightened my arms around me, "I couldn't risk anyone finding out." I cried in my dads arms for 15 minutes and apologizing for being such a terrible daughter. Every time I would start to apologize he would cut me off by apologizing over me.

I felt Steve and Nat's worry and fear rush through my soul marks. I raised an eyebrow, "why are you two worried." Dad sighed, "I had them go on a mission and they found out the truth I made them promise to keep it a secret. For your safety."

I pulled away from my dad and looked up at them through my lashes, "that's why you were so shocked?" Steve ran a hand over his forehead, "we wanted to tell you as soon as we found out." I nodded, "I know and I understand." Steve pulled me into his arms, "your perfect. You know that?" I snuggled into his arms until I heard my sister huff, "wait till they tell you the rest."

I pulled away from Steve and gave all four of them a confused look, "what else is there?" Steve ran a hand over his face, "my childhood best friend is alive." I covered my mouth as I gasped. He sighed, "as is your brother in law. They were-are... we aren't exactly sure at this point. All we know is that they were being controlled by hydra." I looked at Monica and then to Clint. Clint's jaw was clenched and his hand was running over his forehead. Monica was obviously heart broken but she looked livid at this point.

Throughout the shock of finding out all the new information about these people who I thought were dead I wasn't expecting to hear what Nat had to say. I wasn't expecting that sentence to leave her beautiful lips. I wasn't expecting her to be so straight forward about it... however I know my Nat doesn't beat around the bush at all. She was a straight to the point no BS type of girl and that was something I had always loved about her....

Nat sighed, "babe, we think Bucky is your last soulmate."

Dun dun dun! 😱😱
Sorry!!! I just had to... big shoutout to all my lovely readers especially NikkiP3 for always being so positive and uplifting in the comments! I'm sorry it's such a short chapter but it's getting closer to Bucky joining the story.

I'm debating on going with my original plan and making a second book for Civil war meaning Bucky won't actually be introduced in this one...😬 If you guys could please let me know how you feel about that... the second book would take place during Civil War but it would be starting off from this point. I could also just continue in this for Civil war🤷🏽‍♀️ please comment and let me know what you think!

Love You 3000


You will always be my forever (Book 1) the avengers soulmate series Where stories live. Discover now