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Hey everyone, thank you for the support the past few weeks. It's been much appreciated. Here's the update on my health (if anyone cares), still have a concussion they think it might be some kind of neurological issue. We know for sure it's not a brain bleed but it might be similar to one. I'm having a hard time remembering and piecing everything together... but hey, I'm still working and doing school. On a more positive note: Only 4 more months until I'm 100% done with high school and I got excepted into my #1 college with an amazing scholarship. I'm trying to be extremely positive about everything going on right now. There's a reason it all happened now and not 6 months ago, the real question is why? Why now? What's the purpose? Anyhow, I felt like I needed to update you all especially with how the story is going along. I've been trying to get it done as fast as possible but I keep forgetting about it.

Anyway thank you for all the support

Elizabeth's pov

I walked into a conference room where I had asked all of my soulmates including a confined Loki to meet me. As soon as the door closed Steve raised an eyebrow at me, "Elizabeth, what's going on?" I smiled softly as i sat in the only empty seat next to him and Bruce, "hi," everyone smiled or shook their head at me. I tucked a piece of curly hair behind my ear, "I've been thinking a lot about what happened." Loki looked down. He felt guilty for hurting me. Clint grumbled, "you should feel guilty you-." I cleared my throat, "Clint. Stop." He huffed and crossed his arms, "this could of been prevented." I sighed softly, "please, don't." We shared a look. He ran a hand over his face, "El,"
Nat looked at between us, "okay, will the old married couple of the group please stop having a mind conversation and speak." I raised an eyebrow at her. While Clint scoffed, "sure thing Mistress of my wife." The three of us shared a look. Nat sighed, "okay, seriously. Why did you call us all in here?" Steve grabbed my hand softly, I smiled at him and bit my lip, "I want us to stay together." Everyone looked at each other. Steve kissed the back of my hand, "i can't speak for the others but if that's what makes you happy then I'm here." Tony huffed, "I can't believe I'm saying this; but I agree with capsule over there." Thor looked at me then his brother. I smiled softly, "I mean all of us. I'm not giving up on Loki, not now. Not ever." Loki gave me a shocked look much like everyone else, "why, are you being kind to me? I killed your unborn child." I shook my head, "that wasn't you're fault. It wasn't anyone's fault, one day when the time is right I'll be pregnant again and it will go to full term. For now I want to worry about being with all of my soulmates. Sending you away won't help you. Throwing you into a cell is only going to make you more angry at everyone. I'm not saying you won't be punished for your crimes but I don't agree with sending you back to Asgard." My mates all looked at me shocked.

Bruce sighed, "Besides the fact that he's one of the reasons for your miscarriage, let's not forget that he also tried to destroy the entire city." Tony smirked, "He isn't the only one." I sighed, "guys, we can come up with some compromise but sending him to Asgard where he will be impressed for the rest of his life isn't something I'm-." Thor voice boomed, "Lady Elizabeth, I will do as you wish. I believe my brother is cable of change, and with you to support him he shall." Loki looked stunned. I smiled softly at Thor and glared at my other mates.

Clint huffed, "unbelievable. Babe, what exactly do you want us to do? Sit in a circle and tell our deepest secrets." I scoffed, "of course not. I'm asking that you give him the chance to change. Give us all the chance to get to know each other and grow as a team." Clint sighed and looked at Nat. Nat crossed her arms, "Don't look at me. El and I might be soulmates but we're also best friends. We tell each other everything." The guys all raised an eyebrow. I shook my head at her, Nat was definitely trying to make the guys jealous. Clint shook his head, "that's because there's only two of you. Of Monica was here she would probably know more then you do." I gapped at him, "don't say that." Nat smirked,
"Leave my pumpkin alone." I rolled my eyes, "yeah, leave her pumpkin alone. Wait. Hey! I'm not a pumpkin." She winked, "your my pumpkin."

You will always be my forever (Book 1) the avengers soulmate series Where stories live. Discover now